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I ran out of the dorm building and met with Cassidy at her car.

"Hey sorry I kinda forgot we were leaving."

"Clearly because we're already late."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Whatever let's go. You're driving."


She threw the keys at me and got in the car. I got in and started driving.

"You wanna play music?"

"Sure. Are you mad at me?"

"No I'm not, sorry I have a bad temper."


"Shut up." She laughed.

I played a random playlist and put the volume up.

"Oh I love this song!"


"Yeah, I used to listen to it in high school."

"I did too." I smiled.

"Wow that's really cool!" She laughed.


"Just turn left here it's quicker."


"I'm nervous."


"Cause I have to give a speech in front of everyone including my bosses."

"Hey, don't be nervous I'm sure your speech is great."

"Wanna read it?"

"No I do not like reading."

"Really? That's interesting."

"Yeah I know it's so stupid."

"It is."

"I was just joking, I don't think it's stupid."

"I still think it is."

"Why do you have to be so mean?"

"I'm not being mean I'm telling the truth."

"You just hate me, that's what it is."

I parked the car as we arrived at the building.

"Maybe I do!" She got out and slammed the door.

'Why is she like this?' I got out of the car and followed her inside the building. I the building there were a lot of people in formal clothing talking to each other. There were some tables and a buffet.

"I'm gonna go over there." I pointed to the corner area of the building.

"No come with me." She grabbed my arm.

"Stop it, I'll be over there." I walked over to the corner.

As I got to the corner of the building, I pulled out my phone and called Adora.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine I just wanted to call you."



"How's the event going so far?"

"We just got here but Cassidy's already being a bitch."

"What happened?"

"Nothing she's just so mean."

"I'm not gonna say anything about that."

Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now