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"Ok." Catra said blushing a little bit.  As they arrived at the cafe they went and got their breakfast sandwiches and sat with their friends. Catra day in between Scorpia and Adora. And Adora sat in between Catra and Glimmer. They all talked and laughed and then it was time to go to class. Catra had art and Adora had history so they both walked to their classes.

I got to Art class. "Hello, Catra please take a seat in the back I will be your Art teacher Mrs. Azalea." I sat down in the back. "Ok, so today I want you guys to draw and paint anything of your choice."
I picked up the canvas pencil and started drawing I couldn't tell what I was drawing, it was like my hand had a kind of it's own.

When I finished I realized that I drew a very detailed picture of Adora with a sword and it actually looked really nice.
('s a photo. Btw I don't know who the artist is)

After I finished drawing it I started to draw doodles of me and her in my notebook

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After I finished drawing it I started to draw doodles of me and her in my notebook. I've always had an interest in drawing.

"Okay, class you guys can go now, bye."
Mrs. Azalea said as the others rushed out. I walked back to our dorm and when I got in I saw that Adora wasn't there yet so I decided to make myself a snack and watch something while I wait.

I got to history class. "Hello, Adora I'm your history teacher Mr. Micah, please
Take a seat." He says with a wide smile as he turns back to the board. I sat in the back and saw Bow next to me. The whole class I just doodled Catra in my notebook. I'm no artist.


After the history finished I got up and walked out of the room with Bow, we walked to our dorms together. "So, did you hear that someone's having a party on Saturday, it at 11:00." Bow asked as we walked up the stairs.

"Really who?" I asked.

"Oh it's a popular kid name DT or at least that's what I've heard" Bow said.

"Oh that's cool, you going?" I said as we walked down the hall.

"Yeah I'm thinking of asked Glimmer, you gonna bring Catra?" He said.

"Maybe I don't know." I said as we arrived at our Bow and Glimmers dorm.

"Ok, bye Adora." He said when he entered his dorm.

"Bye, Bow." I said walking towards my dorm. 'Should I ask Catra? Maybe not she probably doesn't like me.' I get to my dorm and unlock the door, I see Catra on the couch watching TV.

As the episode finishes I hear the door knob turn and I turn around to see Adora. I quickly hop off of the couch and walk up to her.
"Your finally here Blondie." I said as she closed the door.

"Yeah, sorry history is really long." She responded.

"It's fine it's not like I missed you." I said bringing my snack bowl to the sink.

"Yeah I didn't miss you either." She said putting her book on the counter and sitting down on one of the kitchen stools.

"Hey I wanted to ask you something." She said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"t-there's a- um- dance coming up a-and I was wondering I-If you wanted to-ya know- go with me...?" She asked looking at her book.

I blushed a bit and turned around so she wouldn't see. "Yeah, I'll go with you Blondie." I said.

"Really? That's great, it's on Saturday at 11:00." She said happily as she walked in her room.

After I walked in my room I was working on my history assignment due in a next week when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said not taking my eyes off of my laptop. Then Catra closed my laptop.

"Hey! I was using that." I said looking at her.

"Too bad," She said. "Anyway, I have something for you." She takes her hand from behind her back and she handed me a canvas. And it had a drawing of me with a sword.

"Aww thanks, it looks so good." I got up and hugged Catra.

"No problem Blondie." She whispered in my ear. I pulled away and put the canvas on my desk.
"Oh! I have to go to football practice bye!" I kissed her cheek and walked out of the room leaving a flustered Catra alone in my room.

'Did she just-' I thought as I walked out of her room. I wanted to see her playing football she must look so hot when she plays. But I wanted to surprise her so I walked out of the dorm and walked down stairs and looked for the gym. I finally found it and inside were a bunch of girls. 'This is it' I thought when I walked inside.
I was doing cheerleading.....

I was really confident after she gave me the drawing so I just.....kissed her.

I walked out of the dorm and ran to the field, I didn't want to be late to my first practice. I got in the locker rooms and quickly changed. I read out to the field and sat on the bottoms bleachers with the rest of the team. On our team we had Me, Rogelio, Bow, Scorpia, Hordak, Sea hawk, and other guys. Our coach came out from inside and walked in front of us. He told us we were going to do warm ups for tomorrow nights game. We had games every Friday against other college teams. Me and my friends on the team played a mini game of football. (Btw I chose football bc Football is the sport that I know most about. Sea hawk is the Quarterback, Adora and Rogelio are wide receivers, Bow is a running back, Scorpia is a tight end and Hordak is a center)


After a few touchdowns it was 24-15. Sea hawk made a play where he would fake it to Rogelio and throw it to me. Then we did the play but when he faked it to Rogelio I saw someone familiar on the bleachers it was.......'Catra?' I thought and then was quickly met with the ball I caught it and focused on the rest of the play, I ran with around four other people chasing me trying to tackle me but I ran fast enough and got us another touchdown, my teammates and I celebrated the mini win and we headed back to the bleachers and drank water. She was drinking water when a familiar voice said.
"Hey Adora.." I turned around.

"Hey Catra." I said looking at her. 'Man... who knew she would look so good in a cheerleading outfit'

"Hey, Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." She said sitting next to me.

"I-I'm gonna go get cleaned up."  Said walking your the Locker rooms.

"Good job out there 'She ra'." Hordak said patting my back.

"Thanks you too." I went to take a shower and when I came out and finished changing I saw Catra, in her normal outfit, talking to another girl on the cheer team and for some reason I was a little jealous, no I shouldn't be jealous I have no reason to be. I walked up to Catra and said

"Hey Kitten lets go." I grabbed her hand and we walked inside.

"What's wrong? You never call me that." Catra said in a confused tone.

"N-nothing." I said as we got inside the dorm.

"Are you sure? You look a little mad." She replied and took a sip of water.

"Yeah.." I said and walked to my room shutting the door behind me.

'Huh, I wonder what's up with her' I thought and I went into my room, It was getting late so I went to bed.

Sorry for the short chap. This was around 1300 words so yeah pretty short.
I'll be updating soon!

Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن