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Since Catra wasn't in the dorm I decide to just chill in the hallway and wait for her to come back. So I walked out of the dorm and locked the door behind me. I stared walking to the end of the hall when suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy that was my height and he had Tan skin.

"Hey, Adora." He had a calm sweet voice and he was wearing some adidas pants and a Champion hoodie, he also had nice brown hair.

"Hi, do I know you?" I asked.

"Well, no but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime like the park or something." He seemed very confident.

"Oh, uh sure why not, we can take a walk at the park tonight." I smiled. In that moment I had completely forgot about Catra.

"And by the way, my names Tyler. He smiled at me, then walked away.

I blushed a little when he walked away.
I Turned around and saw Catra.

"Hey, Catra." I smiled.

"Who was that guy." She ignored me and grabbed my hand as we walked back to the dorm.

"Oh, um that was Tyler." I smiled.

"Oh, really and what did he want?" She asked closing the door as we stepped in our dorm.

"He- wait is the kitty jealous." I teased and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"What no! I just.....never mind, I have to go soon anyways. I'll be in my room..." she walked to her room and slightly slammed the door.


3rd person POV
It was around 2:45 in the afternoon, Catra had got ready and put on some red and black shorts and a red and black T-Shirt. She got out of her room and saw Adora in on her phone texting someone. She tried to ignore her and just left the dorm and walked to the field to meet up with the coach.

When Catra go to the field she saw the coach waiting for her on the bleachers.

"Hi Coach!" She yelled and ran to the coach.

"Hey kid, I never got your name." She looked at me.

"Oh sorry my names Catra." I smiled.

"Oh, my names Netossa." She introduced herself properly.

She gave me some drills to do and I practiced. Then after a while she just told me show her some moves that I already knew. She told me that she'll email me the position that I'll play and that I am going to be on the team for sure.


3rd person POV
Adora was still texting Tyler. she learned that he's really funny and kind when you get to know him. She was so busy texting Tyler that she didn't even realize that Catra had left to go play soccer.

After soccer practice Catra came back to the dorm. It was around 4:00 when she came back.

"Hey Adora." Catra said as she got in the dorm.

"Hey, Catra." She smiled.

"So um I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight, just to get our minds off of school." Catra smiled.

Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum