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Hey before you start reading, you should probably start listening to the song after Adora texts Bow and Glim.

I woke up and got ready I remember having a talk with Catra last night and coming back to my room after to sleep.


I walked out of my class and walked to the staircase to go up to my dorm. When I saw someone on the stairs. It was Tyler.

"Hey Tyler you ok?" I asked him.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine..." he seemed stressed and nervous, he kept looking around as if he could feel someone watching him.

"Ok bye." I said trying to ignore his weird behavior.

I walked up the rest of the stairs and down the hallway to my dorm. When I got inside the dorm I walked to my room and put my bag down. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Bow and Glimmer.

ADORA😎: Hey guys do you wanna come with me and Catra to go see Razz.

BOW😜: Sure!! What time?

ADORA😎: Around 12:00

GLIMMER😏: Ok! Sounds fun!

BOW😜: Yeah we'll meet you outside campus!

ADORA😎:Ok! Great see you there!

"Hey what are you smiling about?" I heard Catra ask.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, My grandma, Razz invited us to her house today and Bow and Glimmer are coming with us." I told her.

"Ok, when are we going?"

"Around twelve." I put my phone in my pocket and checked my watch. It was around 10:30.

Time skip brought to you by my inability to write transitions.

It was 11:45, me and Adora left our dorm after getting dressed into something casual. We got outside to our car and wait for Sparkles and Crop top. When we saw them come out and walk up to the car we all got in, Adora was driving while I was in the passenger seat with Sparkles and Crop top in the back.

"Hey can you put some music it kinda quiet." Sparkles said from the back.

"Ok I'll put something on." Adora put on Girl In Red.

"Adora, For real." Glimmer whined.

"Ok ok fine, here." She put on another song.

Idk I just feel like this is kind of a best friend squad song for the road. Or not.

It was going to take us a while to get there so I put on a good song to make the ride better. Glimmer and Bow we're singing in the back. I waited for a good part and joined in. I glanced over at Catra and noticed that she wasn't singing.

"Oh come on, sing." I smiled at her.

"Oh, no I don't really have a good voice.." she said looking away.

"Hah, neither do we." I said and started singing along again.

"Ok fine but I'm only doing this because you told me to." She said with a small smile and started singing. She had an amazing voice.

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