The Escape

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"Now let's go!" He pulled me off the tree and pushed me towards the end of the forest.

"What is this place anyways?" I asked when we got to the big building that was outside of the forest.

"It's where I work." He said.

We walked up to a door that lead into the building. Tyler reached in his pocket and pulled out some keys. He repeatedly tried to unlock the door until he found the right key.

The door swung open and he called out someone's name. It was a name that I know.

"Lonnie!" He called out as he pulled me inside the building and closed the door behind.

"Coming!" I heard a faint yell from the room in front of the entrance, where we were.

Lonnie!? Of course, I'm not surprised. The door opens and Lonnie walked over and grab my arm.

"I got it from here, go make sure her kitty cat girlfriend doesn't find out." She told Tyler as she pulled me in the room that she was in before.

She pulled me to the corner of the room after walking around all of the shelves. It kinda looked like a mini library except without the books.

She tied me to an almost unusable wooden chair. Half of the left arm was missing, there were scratches everywhere on the chair and some of the back was dangling off of its hinges.

"I should've guessed that you were up to something when you gave me that look the whole game." I glared at Lonnie.

"Not like you would've found out by yourself." She chuckled and leaned close to me. "I don't think you've realized how stupid you really are Adora." She laugh and leaned against the wall.

"I-" I didn't have a comeback for what she had said.

"'re right I am stupid." I looked down.

"It's no fun to make fun of you when you agree with me Adora." She groaned.

"Why are you still here anyways, don't you have somewhere to be or something." I said.

"Yeah I do have somewhere to be, but I have a job to do." She glanced at me.

"What job?" I asked.

"To watch you, obviously! You see what I'm telling you, you're so stupid Adora!" She yelled.

"You won't have anything to say about me being stupid when I get out of here by myself." I looked around trying to find anything to help me escape.

"Hahaha! Okay sure we'll see about that." She laughed.

I looked around and spotted a few things around the room to help me escape while tuning out Lonnies words.

I spotted a broken metal hanger on the wall I also saw a crawl space door in the corner.

".........are you even listening to all of the things I just said about you?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"No." I smiled.

"Ugh I just came up with all of that last night!" She yelled.

"Not my fault you're stupid enough to not notice Lonnie." I said.

"You know what, I don't need to be here watching you because you're not capable of getting out of here by yourself!" She stormed out of the room.

"That was easy..." I mumbled.

I got up while sitting on the chair and tried walking over to the broken hanger. I lined the rope that I was tied with
Next to the broken hanger, then I move fast so that the broken hanger could cut the rope in half.

"Yes!" I whispered.

I got off of the chair and ran over to the crawl space. When I opened the door it got much more humid, like a heat wave. I went inside with the door still open, and looked around. I saw some wires and then I saw this little safe.

I looked on top of the safe and saw a little folded yellow paper. I unfolded the paper and read what it said: II IIII XV III V. (Roman Numerals)

"They think they're smart." I quickly put the paper in my pocket and put in the code: 241535.

The safe beeped after I put in the code. I opened the safe and saw a bunch of money, there was also a key. I grabbed the key and the money. I got out of the crawl space and saw a figure watching me.

I had a mini heart attack because I didn't realize that it was a coat on the other side of the room on a hanger that wasn't broken.

" have to get out of here fast. I ran to the entrance from where I came in and grabbed the key.

"Maybe this is the key for this door." I fumbled for the key.

I tried putting the key in and turning it. It didn't work. I tried shoving it in more and it didn't work.

"Ugh what is wrong with this key!" I whispered as I hopelessly tried turning the key over and putting it back in. It worked. Before I left the building, I looked around the room and saw something blinking red.

I noticed that it was an alarm after it started ringing loudly. I quickly ran away from the building and into the woods. I hid behind one of the trees because I was out of breath.

Then I looked over and saw a group of people running out of the building. I'm the group of people I saw Tyler and Lonnie.

"Oh shit I'm in trouble." I ran as fast as I could towards the college.

I kept running until I saw the college and I ran around the building all the way to the front. Then I realized that Tyler knows exactly which dorm is mine and he has a whole group of people with him including Lonnie, which meant that I couldn't run to my dorm.

I only had two choices left, either run to the hospital to go hide with Catra or run to a random spot I'm Etheria.

If I go to the hospital then I would have to tell Catra what happened and she would worry, so my best choice is to go to a random spot in Etheria that I've never been to before.

I heard yelling and fast footsteps coming from the side of the building. I ran straight away from the college and found a park. It was packed with people, so I hid in the crowd just in case they saw me run here. I felt like I was safe until
I saw them so I looked at what everyone was looking at and saw a magician.

He did a few Margaux tricks that were pretty dangerous while I was there. He did one with knives, torches, and even one with a chainsaw and a unicycle.

I was there for about thirty minutes before walking back to campus just to be safe.

Sorry for the wait I didn't really have an idea for the rest of the chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter. I know that some of you enjoy this book. Love you guys! <3

Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang