I never hated you

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After Cassidy left the dorm I turned on the TV to try to take my mind off of everything, then I heard a knock on the door.

"It's open!"

I heard the door slam as someone entered the room. I know it wasn't Adora because she wouldn't knock and it wasn't Cassidy because she just left and it definitely wasn't Scorpia.


"What!" I didn't turn my head to see who it was.

"Why did your friend punch Adora in the throat?"

I turned around and looked at who it was. Of course it was her protective bestie Glimmer.

"Did Adora send you?"

"No actually she didn't."

"Oh what a surprise!" I laughed.

"Answer my question."

"It's non of your business."

"Yes it is, you don't get to hurt people!"

"I didn't even punch her!"

"Well obviously your friend punched her."

"Yeah because Adora- It's non of your business."

"What did Adora do now?"


"Nothings good enough for you is it? You know what, we're done here."

She walked to the door.

"And stay away from Adora, I don't need her heart broken again."

She walked out before I could answer.

"I didn't break her heart..." I whispered as I ran to my room and locked the door.

I pulled my phone out and called my cousin Leo. He always makes me feel better, and I miss him.

"Is Catra finally calling me?"


"What do you want weirdo?"

"Shut up. I wanna ask you something."


"Ok. So I'm dating this girl and she-"

"Adora right?"

"N-No we broke up."

"Aww, I love her."

"Yeah whatever, anyways, The girl that I'm dating, is kind of annoying, plus she's not the same."

"The same?" He laughed.

"Yeah, why are you laughing, this is serious."

"You mean the same as in, the same as Adora."

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