Chapter 19

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Longer chapter
⚠️ TW: Abuse ⚠️

-- your POV --

We've stayed for another month at kirkjufjara beach before we decided that it's time to head home. It has been the best time of my life, to be honest but I'm sure there is a lot more to come.

The last month has been awesome. At first I had my doubts about Loki and our relationship but whenever I looked at him I forgot them. He actually made be breakfast in bed four times after we had sex the previous night - not saying that we just had it four times but those four times were more lovingly than the other times.

-Loki: "Are you nervous?" He asks from behind, hands on my waist and nose in my neck.

We're currently at the airport, staring out of a window and waiting for our flight to New York.

-Y/n: "A little bit." I confess.

-Loki: "It won't be any different when we arrive, I promise." He kisses my cheek and starts swaying us a bit and a huge smile spreads across my face - he knows me too well.

-Y/n: "How about we're not telling them immediately. I want to make a dinner and then tell them." I said after turning around in his arms.

-Loki: "Isn't it a bit too much?"

-Y/n: "Yeah, maybe you're right." I look down but he grabs my chin and makes me look up again.

-Loki: "We'll do it, whatever you want."

-Y/n: "I love you."

-Loki: "And I love you."

We share a kiss before our flight is being called.


-Happy: "Welcome back!" He says enthusiastically after we got off the plane.

I immediately take my hand away from his and go forward happy to hug him.

-Y/n: "Glad to finally be back." Happy looks at me with a confused but somehow pleased expression.

-Happy: "You're in a Good mood, this must have been very Good for you."

-Y/n: "It's been amazing and exactly what I needed."

He takes mine and Loki's suitcases and we head to the car. The car ride is silent, no one really talking. He probably expects us - or rather me - to talk more about our vacation but there really isn't much to tell without also telling him about our relationship. He will definitely be at the dinner too, not a question.

When we arrive it's Tony, Pepper, Steve and Natasha that await us. I hug everyone, even Tony, which earns me some weird looks but I'm in a good mood and no one, I mean actually no one can change that. They tell us that they have a dinner planned at the evening - just something casual for our arrival. Before we head to our separate rooms and the others gave us some time alone, Loki asked if we wanted to tell them then but I want to throw my own dinner and this one is just to catch up with everything that happened.

So we got back into our separated rooms and the first thing I saw was all my stuff that had been put there. It wasn't much, just some suitcases with my clothes and some boxes with books and other stuff that Hadeon probably gave them because he didn't want them and would've thrown them away either way.

I put my suitcase that I traveled with next to the door and took a closer look at the stuff, just to check what Hadeon gave with them - or should I say me? But yeah, it wasn't something else except the things I've already thought it would be. When I lifted one of the books out of a box, a letter appeared under it with my name on it; it is in the handwriting from you know who. I sighed and opened the letter - it even smells like him and it brings up some feelings, I don't know how to describe.

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