Chapter 3

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-- your POV --

It's the next day and I'm already at work. Usually I didn't need to come here as early as I did, but I felt wrong. I still feel wrong. Just after I accepted the ring from Hadeon something felt wrong the whole time. But it's probably just the nervousness about me making a wrong decision. It's not a wrong decision to marry him, I know that. I just need to get my mind off of it for some hours and sort myself and I'm sure it gets better.

-Assistant: "Ms. Winter? You're having your 11am meeting now." My assistant Jennifer, I call her Jenny, knocked at the door and put her head through it.

-Y/n: "Thank you very much, Jenny. I'm on my way." I give her a smile and lay the contract down, which I was reading at the moment.

-Jenny: "Mr. Finch wanted me to tell you, that it's not necessary to attend, if you don't want to. He knows how much you tried to avoid them." Now she fully steps into my office.

I let out a sigh. She's right, I've been avoiding and ignoring them for 2 years now and the only reason he is here now, is to see and talk to me. I'm lucky that I have a very lovely boss, who understood that I didn't want to talk to them. But it's been 2 years, people have changed and I won't go back to them. I've started a whole new life and I see this as a chance to finally end that chapter of my life.

-Y/n: "No, it's fine. I actually think that I want to see him. For one last time, you know?" I grab my IPad and make my way to the door.

-Jenny: "Are you sure?" She asks as I walk her out.

-Y/n: "I need to move on, to end my past life." I show her the ring on my finger with a bright smile, that feels good.

-Jenny: "Oh my god, did he really?!" She took my hand in hers and takes a closer look at the ring.

-Y/n: "Yes he did. Yesterday."

-Jenny: "I'm so happy for you. He really loves you with all his heart, you know that?"

-Y/n: "Oh, he shows me." I pull the collar of my blouse a little bit down, just to reveal a hickey and laugh a bit on her reddened face.

We said goodbye and I made my way to the room where the meeting will take place. As I walk inside of it, I already see them sitting there. My boss, Mr. Finch, and two persons I desperately tried to avoid, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Without saying anything, I sit down next to my boss.

-Y/n: "Should we start?" I ask after no one said a word and everyone was just looking at me. It is kind of awkward.

-Mr. Finch: "Are you sure about this Y/n?" He whispers. I know he is taking this very serious, because he just calls me after my name if it really is serious.

-Y/n: "Yeah, this is my job." I didn't care to whisper in front of them.

-Tony: "It didn't seemed like your job the last two years." And now I know why I haven't attended to all those meetings before.

-Y/n: "It's nice to see you too, Stark. How I've been? Oh, I'm fantastic, thanks for asking." I say sarcastically. Anger carrying me a little bit away. Mr. Finch lays his hand on my lower back, to gesture me that they are still customers and I need to behave.

-Tony: "Good to see that nothing has changed."

-Mr. Finch: "Mr. Stark, I would like to continue with your contract here." He slides the contract over to him.

Stark wanted to renew his contract with this company every month, hoping to maybe get to me, but I obviously never showed up and Mr. Finch never let him go near me.

-Y/n: "I'm still wondering why you haven't bought this place already. You could've made me speak to you." Now it's too late, my emotions are controlling me.

-Tony: "To be honest I'm not really interested in those little contracts here,"

-Y/n: "What a surprise." I interrupt him.

-Tony: "And I didn't want to make you talk to me. I figured you'd come from your own." He signed the contract without even reading it. Typical Stark.

-Y/n: "Oh, How nice of you." I say sarcastically. "I hate to break it for you, but I just came to see you one last time." His smile faded immediately.

-Tony: "What do you mean with that?"

-Pepper: "Oh." She suddenly said and put one of her hands on the shoulder of Tony's. She starred at the ring on my finger. Tony followed her eyes and also discovered it.

-Tony: "You're engaged?" I could feel the surprised look of Mr. Finch on me but he didn't say anything.

-Y/n: "Yes. We thought about moving away from here after we married. I thought I would see you one last time and finally move on from whatever it was I had to go through at the headquarters."

It was silent, no one dared to say anything. Peppers eyes were permanently on my ring and Tony's eyes were switching from the ring to my eyes and back. Mr. Finch was trying to distract himself, so he read the contract, Stark signed a few minutes ago.

-Pepper: "We invite you for dinner." She broke the silence and my eyes Land on her, shocked. "We want to make up for it, even though it's almost impossible to do so. Say goodbye to Steve, Natasha, Bruce and all the others. I promise you we won't disturb your life anymore. And we obviously invite your fiancé too."

My eyes move to Tony, who was looking shocked at Pepper. Then, after she nodded towards him, he looked at me and also nodded, more to himself but that's alright.

-Tony: "Yes, we invite you both. Please come. I promise to behave myself."

-Y/n: "I have to check my schedule. Call my assistant and she'll give you the date."

I just stood up and left the room. We were done with the meeting anyways and if I'll see them again at dinner, there is no need for me to stay there any longer. The feeling of being wrong comes back, maybe because of them. Even though they treated me like shit, They still mean something to me and that sucks. Ugh, now I have to explain everything to Hadeon. He wanted to kill these people and now he has to sit at one table with them? I know he'll do it for me, but it's just going to be very awkward.

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