Chapter 1

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-- your POV --

We're at a fancy restaurant, obviously eating dinner and just having a good time, a good laugh as always when I'm with him. We're celebrating our 2 year's anniversary and I couldn't be happier than I am with my life. Since day 1 he was just so good to me, maybe even better than I deserved because of my past. It didn't take him long to make me talk about it and he- I think he understands. He understands that I didn't do it because I was having fun but because I wanted to make my family proud and I wanted to fit in. I didn't know it better back than. He made me feel like it's okay, that I'm not this person anymore, that I'm lovable and not a monster as I always described myself as. He helped me through a tough time and he helped me to get a job, which I love. We're living together in a very modern apartment, with a Great view over New York City and I Love it. Or at least that's what I think I do.

We're having an easy conversation about our day, because we don't see each other that much anymore since both of us have jobs. He told me that I don't necessarily need one, because he has enough money, but he supported me with everything that had to do with my job and accepted why I wanted one.

-Y/n: "You know, just the casual, boring stuff that can happen as an assistant.", i answer his question about how my day has been.
-Hadeon: "Have I ever told you how fucking proud I am of you?", he also likes to swear a lot, but I don't mind that, it's part of him.
-Y/n: "Why would you be proud of me?", I take my glass of whine and lean back in the chair.
-Hadeon: "Because of How far you've come.", he leans forward and takes my hand, "Do you remember how nervous you were and how you thought you would never fit in?", he asks gently with his dark and slow voice.
-Y/n: "I know how you've made fun of me, yes.", i can't hide the smile on my face and he knows I'm just teasing.
-Hadeon: "I can't tell you enough how fucking glad I am that you're in my life now.", I press his hand gently.
-Y/n: "And I'm so thankful that you stayed with me and helped me through everything, baby."

He suddenly lets go of my hand and for a second I thought I did something wrong. He stands up and I felt miserable, until he took my hand again and made me stand up. 'What Are you doing?' I asked him but he just gave me a warm smile. He leads me to the middle of the restaurant and it looks like they were expecting this to happen, because all the tables are moved away and almost every waiter is standing in an circle. Just now I notice his family. His mum, dad and his sister. They made me feel so welcomed when they first met me it was almost scary.

I wave at them and feel how Hadeon is letting go of my hand. Usually I wanted to go and say 'hi' to them but then his hand is catching mine again before I could take one step towards them. They also send me warm smiles and it looks like pride that shines through their eyes. I look back at Hadeon to ask him why we can't go to them but when I turned around I first didn't find him. Just then I looked down, and I felt stupid for not realising he was just kneeing in front of me. Wait what?! He is kneeing in front of me!

-Hadeon: "The first day we met, I looked you in the eyes and saw that you were completely lost.", he starts and his green eyes lock with mine.
-Hadeon: "I wanted to take you with me, to show you a way out of the labyrinth you've been in, but I knew I couldn't.", my heart started to beat faster, I'm afraid that it'll jump out of my chest.
-Hadeon: "I was so happy when you decided to go to the café with me and I was so sad to let you go again. Do you know that I came to that stupid café almost every day? Hoping that you would show up again and then one day you actually did."
-Y/n: "Oh Hadeon.", I can't think of any other words right now and I know it's stupid.
-Hadeon: "You were so sad, I didn't know what happened and I wanted to give you as much time as you needed. But I wanted to break the neck of the person who hurt you."
-Y/n: "That is another way of saying 'I love you'", the waiter and his family laughs, he just lets out a small and shaky laugh. I can feel how nervous he is, because his hand is shaking, I don't even know if he realises that.
-Hadeon: "I'm just so thankful that you stayed after that night and that you did stay for another week, for another month and for another year. I am thankful for you that you haven't left me yet.", he looks at the ground for a little second before our eyes lock again.
-Y/n: "I would never leave you.", he just simply nods.
-Hadeon: "I know and I want you to know that I'll never leave you too and that I would never want you to leave."

He takes in a long breath and reaches with his free hand to his suit trousers to pull out a red box. Then, even though none of us wanted it, he let go of my hand and opened the red box with his long fingers. When he holds the box in front of me, his tattoos are showing under his blazer. His fingers are usually covered in silver rings but since we got out for our date immediately after work, he didn't have time to put them on.

-Hadeon: "Maybe it's too early - some might actually say that - but since the day I saw you, I knew that I wanted to marry you.", he swallows, even his Adam apple is shaking a little bit as he does so.
-Hadeon: "Y/n Winter, will you marry me?"

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