Chapter 13

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-- your POV --

It feels like the world has stopped since we've been here. The first two weeks flew by way too quickly and everyday I'm waiting for Loki to tell me that we have to head back again, which is something I really don't want to do. This place really starts to feel like home and I even have a normal routine already. But I can't keep myself from asking him when the time has come to go back when we're sitting in the kitchen eating the breakfast Loki made.

-Y/n: "When do you plan on heading back to the headquarters?"

-Loki: "You want to leave?"

-Y/n: "No, of course not. I think I fell in love with this place. If it would be just me, I would stay here forever." I give him an honest answer.

-Loki: "I don't really have an intention to going back and I won't as long as you want to stay here and want me by your side."

I give him a smile. It's been actually really weird between the two of us since the first day here and it's quite annoying to be honest.

We haven't had sex the entire two weeks, which isn't necessarily something bad because I still enjoy to be here with him but it's unnatural for us, because all we did back then was literally just fucking each other until we were too tired to continue.

Also he's been cooking this whole time, which isn't something bad either but I have troubles getting used to seeing him standing in the kitchen and preparing food for us.

Which leads me to another point; he has been so caring about me. It's always 'how are you feeling?', 'do you need something else?', 'stay here, I'll get it for you.' And so on. It's nice, really it is, but I'm feeling like I'm an old lady who can't just quickly get up to get a glass of water.

It especially annoys me because he's so careful with me and, to come back to point 1, he isn't even looking at me anymore. And that's frustrating. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing or if I'm even wearing anything at all. He isn't looking. Not once.

-Loki: "What do you want to do today?" It's another of his daily questions he asks me every morning and it's always the same answer because here's literally not much to do.

-Y/n: "Just reading and sitting at the fireplace, the usual." And it wouldn't sound so boring if there are other activities that would interrupt me at reading for example, but yeah. "I thought that, maybe, we could walk by the sea. You know how much I love it but we've never actually been near the water once since we're here."

-Loki: "It's probably too cold for you. You could catch a cold." That's another way to deny it.

-Y/n: "Yeah, and? It's not like I will die from a cold." I feel like I'm arguing with my parents or something.

-Loki: "I don't want you to be sick."

-Y/n: "Well, that's nice of you but it won't stop me from going to the beach. You can stay here if you want to, but I'll go."

He looks at me for another while until he sighs, nods and leans back in his chair. A triumphant smile is spreading across my lips and I'm feeling some kind of relief.

It's been hard to actually talk with Loki since everything happened with Hadeon. I know Loki is nothing like him and he has proofed himself the last two weeks but I've always had some kind of panic attack when I argued with him. Which wasn't really arguing because it's actually easy to live with him, but it was, for example, denying to drink some coffee that he made me without knowing that I despise it. I thanked him and took the cup but didn't drink from it. After Loki asked what was wrong, i almost had a panic attack after telling him in one breath that I don't actually like coffee. I guess all of this is adding to the list why Loki doesn't want to touch me.


-Y/n: "I'm heading to the beach." I tell Loki, who is sitting in the living room, and put on my shoes.

-Loki: "Have fun. If you need anything you know where to find me." Ouch. It's almost as if I've offended him with going to the beach. I decide to ignore that now, because I really just want to go. So, that's what I'm doing.

The beach is actually empty. Not a single soul is seen out here. I like it. The wind is blowing through my hair and it's in every direction possible at the same time.

I'm not really walking along the beach as I meant to do. The view, even though I see it everyday, is just too beautiful. It's even different from here than from the house. I feel whole when I look around. The sounds that come when the waves are crashing down and the birds singing their own songs is just so calming and lets me forget about everything that ever happened. And when I say everything, that's exactly what I mean.

-Loki: "Having fun?" I slightly jump at the sudden voice which is breaking whatever was happening with me and why ever I haven't heard him approach.

-Y/n: "Why didn't we go here earlier?" I ask after I made sure it's just Loki and everything is fine.

-Loki: "You always could've gone here, I wouldn't have stopped you."

I'm not saying anything anymore, I just look back to the endless sea. A bit of fog is forming over the water and it looks so mysterious, which I like so much. After a while of just starring at the water I made a decision which I'm sure I'll regret afterwards. But I'm living for the moment, aren't I?

-Loki: "What Are you doing?" He watched me with disbelief.

-Y/n: "I want to take a swim." I say while I take off my trousers.

-Loki: "You'll freeze to death." He says skeptically.

-Y/n: "I'll survive. And if not, who cares? You can go back to the headquarters and no one would care where I am. You wouldn't even have to tell them." Loki is just watching me with a frown on his face but I still continue to take off my clothes.

-Loki: "Alright, stop. You'll keep on your underwear."

-Y/n: "Why? No one else is here. We're alone and I don't want to make my underwear wet."

-Loki: "You'll be completely naked." He states the obvious.

-Y/n: "Will I? Couldn't tell."

And before he could say anything else, I run towards the water and let myself fall when the water reached my hip. It's actually fucking cold. I mean, I knew it'll be cold but not that cold.

-Loki: "Is it cold enough?" He yells from the beach and I flinch uncontrollably but get myself together the next second.

-Y/n: "Definitely!" I yell back.

Then I let my head fall back, so that the only thing that looks out of the water is my face. Then I close my eyes and start to listen to the muffled underwater sounds. I can definitely hear how the waves are breaking on the surface of the water, I can also hear my own heartbeat and if I listen close enough I can hear my organs working in my belly. Which is kind of disgusting but kind of interesting.

-Loki: "You shouldn't stay too long." He says after lifting my head so that my ears aren't underwater anymore.

I blink at him unbelievable. He's in the water, Next to me. I look at him without saying anything, my mouth agape. Am I dreaming? Since the first time we almost showered together, which was a huge failure, I didn't think something like this would ever happen. But now he's standing right next to me in the ocean, probably naked too.

-Y/n: "You're in the water." I say completely stupid.

-Loki: "Yeah thank you, haven't noticed until now." He jokes and I have to smile.

-Y/n: "Is it cold enough?"

-Loki: "Definitely." He looks at my face and then frowns again. "Your lips are getting blue. You should get out of the water."

-Y/n: "But I really don't want to." I protest.

-Loki: "You'll freeze just as I said. Do you want that I'm right and you're wrong?"

-Y/n: "Good Argument. But I have something else that could keep me warm while being in the water."

Loki looked genuinely confused and I let him think about it for some short moments until I put my legs around his waist and kissed him while my arms are around his neck.

Forgotten Love [Loki x reader] (Part 2) Where stories live. Discover now