Chapter 2

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-- your POV --

-Hadeon: "Will you marry me?"

Even though I knew what was about to happen the second I saw him kneeling in front of me, it still made my throat go totally dry. Am I even ready to do this? It's still hard for me to tell him those three special words - 'I love you' - and he is already thinking of marriage. I mean, yeah I've been thinking about it too. His family brought it up a few times, just as my co-workers and yes, even I, by myself, had to think about it a few times. But somehow I don't know if it feels right.

My head is full of thoughts and my throat is dry as hell and I realize that I still haven't answered. The mood in the whole restaurant is tensed, but I can't give an answer yet, I'm not ready. I look into his green, filled with a little bit of hope and nervous, eyes. It's all I've been looking at the last 2 years and honestly I could never get enough of them. I don't understand why I haven't screamed 'yes' at him yet.

-Hadeon: "I- I know that it's hard for you and that- that you maybe never even thought about marrying me and I- I can understand if you say no." He was already so disappointed but this is all so beautiful and I don't want to hurt him.

Maybe it's just because I'm nervous too and just started with my life completely as it should have been without any other hero-interruptions. Maybe that's why I haven't said 'yes' yet. Maybe I don't want to make any wrong decision, but what could possibly be wrong with marrying Hadeon? He was by my side through a bad time of my life and he gave me everything I could've asked for.

He looks at the ground, already accepting that it's a 'no' from me, without me even saying anything. I heard whispers all over the restaurant and I felt so bad. Not because I disappointed all of them, but for Hadeon. He really thought about all of this and maybe even planned it for a long time.

-Y/n: "Babe, what are you doing?", I ask as he wanted to stand up.

-Hadeon: "What do you mean?", he stayed kneeing in front of me but lowered the red box with the ring inside, which I still haven't seen.

-Y/n: "I never said 'no', did I?", I ask with a smile on my lips and it didn't take long for him to understand.

-Hadeon: "So you're saying yes?", he holds the ring out again.

-Y/n: "Qui.", I said laughing and all the tension in the restaurant disappeared immediately.

Hadeon pulled the ring out of the red box and just now I take a look at it. I didn't pay much attention to it before, because I had a lot of other things that went through my head, but maybe I should've taken a look long ago because the ring is so beautiful.

 I didn't pay much attention to it before, because I had a lot of other things that went through my head, but maybe I should've taken a look long ago because the ring is so beautiful

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It's nothing too much but also not too less. It's just perfect. Hadeon puts the ring around my finger and comes up to kiss me. My arms are around his neck and his hands are on my waist. He is as gentle as always. After that his whole family is gathering around us - the women around me, the men around him - and congratulate us.

-Mary: "Why did you take so long sweetheart? I really thought you were about to let him down.", his mum asks me.

-Y/n: "I was just so overwhelmed and I had to make sure if I was dreaming. You know how I am.", I lie and give her a hug. I can't possibly tell her that I thought if it's a mistake to marry him after everything his been through with me.

-Blair: "You really made him, and us, sweat Y/n.", his sister says and comes towards me to hug me.

-Y/n: "I know, I'm sorry.", I said, laughing in the hug.

-Dean: "Another daughter.", he said excitedly and also hugged me.

-Y/n: "I thought I've already been your daughter."

-Dean: "Well, now it's more official than before."

I just had to laugh and he let go of me after a few more seconds. It didn't take long and Hadeon uses this chance to lay an arm around me, to have me all to himself.

-Hadeon: "Thanks for coming, really, but we have to stay up early tomorrow. We will have a party on Saturday, but now we have to go. So, if you would excuse us."

He usually wanted to pull me with him but then suddenly all three of them hugged both of us. Yes, this family was full of hugs and I'm still not used to it.

-Mary: "I'm so proud of the both of you.", she said while we were already leaving the restaurant.

She doesn't really now it - probably assumes it - but those words mean so much to me that I can't describe what I'm feeling every time she says something like this to me. Hadeon is already pushing me in the car before I could even realize that we were out of the restaurant. As soon as he also sat inside and closed the door, his lips landed on mine.

It isn't as gentle as before, because it is drowned in passion, but it is still very gentle. Of course I knew that he was just making something up, so that we could leave earlier and enjoy our evening. Now I know that he couldn't wait any longer.

-Hadeon: "You know that you were torturing me in there, right?", he asks through the kiss.

I just nod and put my hands on his neck. Hadeon leans further into the kiss and intensifies it even more. His hands trail down to the end of my dress and one of them is slipping a little bit under it and moves to my thigh. I let out a little whimper, which just makes him desire me even more. After 2 years I know exactly how to make him hot and even hotter when you think it wouldn't be possible anymore.

Thank god the car ride didn't take too long and we were already there. Hadeon lets out a groan and ends our kiss, just to pull me quickly out of the car and into the lobby of the skyscraper where we're living inside. He suddenly started running and I run behind him with a laugh.

The secretary greeted us as we ran towards the elevators. Hadeon presses the button and, lucky for us, one of the doors immediately opened. He pulled me inside and started to kiss me as soon as the doors closed.

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