Chapter 7 - The Janitor

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we did... sorry Seven, I didn't know what you were trying to do."

Mono guiltily shook his head, feeling bad that he had yelled at Seven even though he was the reason they had made it out of there in one piece.

"No problemo, Money. It was a risky plan, I'm surprised at how smoothly it went, honestly."

Six stifled a laugh as Mono couldn't help but laugh at the silly nickname he had been given.

"You know what... I'll allow it."

Their moment was interrupted as the sound of metal churning and whining in the very next room was heard. 


Mono motioned for Seven to hand over his flashlight, which he cautiously did, making as little sound as possible. He stepped up to the metal door, which had an opening at the bottom of it. Crawling under the door, he clenched his teeth as he clicked the flashlight on. The room was pitch-black, and the air was very cold, making the area feel very threatening. 

"Come on, where are you... you long-armed freak..."

Mono pointed his flashlight everywhere; up at the ceiling, in front of him, off to the sides, but he only could see furniture items such as chairs, tables, drawers, and various other objects. He began to walk forward, seconds away from calling Seven and Six over to tell them it was safe to proceed before his flashlight glanced over something that stood out amongst the stone floor. He braced himself as he reluctantly aimed the flashlight back over the spot where he saw the unidentified object.

"Oh no."

He pointed his flashlight up, immediately revealing a stretched, disfigured brown face. The long-armed man jerked, cracking his joints as Mono slowly backed away.


"Mono, get back over here!"

He could hear Six call for him as the impossible man began pursuit, stomping behind Mono as he made a mad dash for the door. He slid, Seven and Six immediately catching him and pulling him away as the man reached his hands under the door, sniffing and growling trying to feel around for his prey.

"You alright, Mono? Did he hit you?"

"No, I'm fine..."

Six and Mono whispered to one another as she held him close. Seven realized that the long-armed gentleman wasn't letting up anytime soon, so he picked up a piece of coal and cautiously took steps toward the metal door. He rolled the piece of coal onto the other side of the door, making it sound like they had run straight by the long-armed man. Seven's plan worked perfectly, causing the giant man to let out a shriek, stomping away from the door and running in the opposite direction. 

"Huh? What did you do to get his attention?"

Mono was confused as Seven smirked.

"Got us an opening, come on, let's go."

Six and Mono got onto their feet, crouching down along with Seven and stealthily entering the room with no light. Mono had given Seven his flashlight back, so he picked up another piece of coal and tossed it in the opposite direction, getting the giant's attention and masking the sound of the flashlight turning on with the long-armed man's scream. 

"Where's the dang exit out of this place..."

Seven was getting annoyed, whispering to himself as he saw nothing but darkness ahead of him. He stayed close to the wall, leading Mono and Six. Mono put his trenchcoat over Six and kept her near him, keeping her warm.

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