XLVI. Predestined

Start from the beginning

Eli raised both hands and rolled off the couch. He sat beside me, "Your fault," he whispered into my ear.

I don't understand how it's my fault, but that doesn't matter right now.

"I didn't know you had it in you," I said. "Juggling two balls at once, eh bro?"

If I had to choose between Mina and Lyah, I would pick Mina, hands down. Lyah is a wild card, unknown - unpredictable.

"It's not like that," he said. "We're only talking because...because Mina says she needs a friend. There's nothing else."

No one responded to his statements. None of us wanted to go through the Trevon depression era again.

Dad looked at mom.

Mom looked at me.

I looked at Eli.

Eli said: "I'm just the boyfriend."

"Honey," mom said. Good job, mom. "It's good that...that...you know where you stand. But, do you really think it's a good idea to talk to your ex-girlfriend while you have a girlfriend?"

"What's wrong with it? Mina and I agreed to be friends. She even knows about Lyah. Lyah knows about Mina."

"And they're both okay with it?" Eli asked.


When did my nerdy brother become a player?

Eli looked at me and mouthed: "Wow."

The situation would've been extremely confusing - even to me - if I didn't know the truth.

The truth is that Lyah and Trevon came to an agreement that they were going to be in a fake relationship. After Mina mustered up the courage to message Trevon, I'm sure he told her about the fake relationship - to reassure her that he's available.

You know, available but still messing around.

God, when did he turn into such an asshole?

Trevon looks at me, "What?"

I know my face doesn't look pleasant at all.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm a cockroach or something?"

"Urk." I couldn't muster up a response, so I could only express my disgust that way. I looked at Eli, "You wanna try doing what he's doing?"

Eli shook his head, "No. Ma'am no. I'm an uno woman-o kind of man-o."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Trevon's voice pitched.

"It means you're playing the field, sweety."

"Mom," Trevon said. "You know I don't understand sports references."

"First of all, that wasn't a sports reference," dad said. "Second, it means you're eating more than you can chew."

"English!" Trevon smacked his hands together, "English! Why is everyone speaking in Morse code?"

"For goodness sake," I couldn't hold it in anymore. "It means you're trying to string Lyah and Mina along. We all know you're fooling around with Lyah, but you're trying to hold onto Mi-"

Holy crap.

Holy fucking crap.

"Hey. You okay?" Trevon asked.

I grabbed the pillow, leaped over the couch, and without a second thought, I hit him with it.

"What the fuck!" Trevon tried to run away, but I wouldn't let him.

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