XLII. Four Eyes Twig Arms Hippie Hair Mammoth

Start from the beginning

"Less talking, more action."

His grip tightens, "Don't leave me."

I stop and turn around, "I have to."

Eli gasps, "No!"

"I do. I have to go. I can't stay with you anymore."

Eli cup my cheeks, "Please, don't go." His lip pouted, "I'll be sad if you leav-"

"What the fuck are you two doing?" We turn our head to see Shelbie with a bag of chips. "I know you two are love birds right now but do you mind stepping aside so my fat ass can squeeze through?"

Eli and I separated so Shelbie can get into the class. Shelbie engulfs the last piece of her donut before throwing away the napkin. The Shelbie I know would've gone into the restroom and checked her face. This Shelbie didn't. Who is she?

"Everyone is in a bad mood lately," Eli grumbled. He looked at me and grinned, "So, you do have a sense of humor." He puckered his lips and kissed me. "I'll see you after class, pretty lady."

When I reach my desk, Shelbie pulls out a piece of the pie. There are more snacks inside her backpack than academic materials. She looks at me, "I'm not sharing."

I lay the backpack on the ground. "I didn't ask."

"Good. Because I'm not sharing."

"Hey, Av," Zoey said.

"What's up?" I ask.

Zoey's eyes went towards Shelbie, "Mind if we talk alone?"

Shelbie swallows, "Got something you can't say in front of me?"

Zoey exhales softly before her eyes drift towards the small group of girls behind her.

"Spill it," Shelbie demands.

"Shelbie. Don't force me. Not in front of everyone."

Shelbie stood up, "Go for it."

Zoey crosses her arms, "I was going to nicely ask Av to talk to you about your weight gain."

"My what?"

"Here's the fact. You're getting fat, and our backs are breaking from throwing your fatass into the air."


"We all know," Zoey said. "Your little plumber guy got a girlfriend."

Shelbie's eyes widen, "How-"

"Sarah saw him kissing another girl the other day. We understand you're hurt but, we refuse to let your depression over a fucking guy bring us down. Like literally, down because our bodies hurt from lifting you."

Shelbie looks at me, "Do you also think that way?" I didn't respond. I couldn't. Her eyes went around the room, and then she spat out: "You all suck!" Shelbie grabbed her backpack and stomped outside.

I exhale softly before looking at Zoey.

She twiddles with her fingers, "I was going to ask you to talk to her in private since you're the captain, but she's been getting on my nerves with her negativity. Plus, my body sores really bad. I'm so sorry, Av."

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Instead, I grabbed my bag and went after Shelbie. I found her in the back of the school, behind one of the old classrooms. She had her face shoved inside a container of brownies. I sat down beside her.

"I'm not sharing," she said. She inhaled another piece.

I move the container down, "Shelbie."

Shelbie's chocolate-covered mouth trembled, "What am I doing, Av? I mean, really! Look at me. I gained almost ten pounds in like two weeks." She threw the container down, "No wonder why everyone thinks I'm a fatass." She buried her face into her hands. "And for what? For a fucking guy who can't choose between his damn girlfriend and me."

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