XXX. Sudden Turn of Events

Start from the beginning

"No," I responded. "It's probably full right now."

Trevon settled beside Mina, and Eli crouched behind me. "How about the mall?" Mina suggested. "It's across the street."

"Do you think we can make it there?" Eli question.

"It's just across the street," Trevon said. "How bad can it be?"

"Our cars are snowed," I said. "Do you think it's a good time to take a stroll outside?"

"Our car isn't snow in. There's just bad traffic outside because of a few car crashes." That doesn't make the situation any better. "Come on. Where's the daring Ava Makee who says - fuck it."

"That Ava Makee also doesn't want to get run over by a car."

After a few minutes of fidgeting around, I stood up. "Come on, let's go." I was not too fond of the silence. There's also the fact that we're sitting next to the restroom.

"Awesome." Trevon threw on his coat and helped Mina with hers.

"Are you sure?" Eli walks with me from behind. "I can stay here with you."

I would take that offer...if it was someone else. If I stay here with Eli, I may have a heart attack and pass away.

The journey was rough and cold. Surprisingly, Mina clung to me for her dear life instead of her boyfriend. When I looked at her, she said: "Trevon is slowing me down!"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at that statement. In return, Mina laughs too.

Once we were inside the mall, like everyone else, we shook off the snow. The light wave of music rushes into our ears, and we burst out laughing at the popsicle that waddles in.

"Thanks, everyone!" Trevon shivers in his boots. Mina made her way towards him and dusted the snow from his body.

The more the snow falls, the more surprising the day gets. After we all called our families, we strolled around the shopping center. Mina and I would chat, vent, and laugh; and forget the guys behind us.

Before I knew what happened, we linked arms as if we were long friends. She would help me pick out my next bra while the guys awkwardly shift from side to side outside.

When her hair got into her mouth because of the burger we got, and her hands were too dirty, I offered to tie up her hair. She would then give a broad grin in return, attempting not to burst out the burger inside her mouth.

"What did you two buy?" Trevon asks for the hundredth time. Unlike the first, there was a slight irritation in his tone. He's probably upset that his phone ran out of battery earlier. It cleared up not too long ago, only for another accident to appear. The mall extends its hours so people can stay inside longer.

Mina settles beside Trevon and smiles.

She held out a battery pack and a charging cord.

"You are the best!" Trevon kisses her cheek before he grabs the items in her hand.

Eli looks at me, "Alright. Give me my gift."

"Sure. Here. You got new makeup." I threw the plastic bag at him.

"Oh." He dances a little in his seat. "Is it the natural look kind?"

I settle beside him, "Yeah."

"I like it that way."

I grab the bag from his hands.

"Hey! My gift!"

"Ready to go?" Trevon kept his eyes on the screen. As he said earlier, if he doesn't check his clan, he'll die. Not him, but his game clan.

"Yeah," I responded. "Let's go."

We all stood up.

"I'm not ready," Mina said abruptly. "I need to use the restroom." She looks at me, "Ava?"

I know that look. It's the look that all females give each other. It's when they use the excuse of going to the restroom when they don't have to go.

"Sure. Me too."

"Great." Mina drags me towards the restroom. "Okay. I notice something," she said inside the bathroom. Someone flushed the toilet and got out of the stall.

We hurried over. "What?"

"Eli is here."

"Yeah. He's been here?"

"I mean, how am I supposed to tell Trevon about me moving when Eli is here?"

"Then, we'll drop off Eli first?"

Mina nods, "Right. We could do that." Her hands tremble again. "We should do it. We should tell him right now."



I nod, "I'll be sitting in the backseat." And awkwardly listen to a couple cries for an hour, two, or maybe three.

"Cool." Mina walks toward the sink and washes her hands. She looks at me. "You should wash it too. Just in case they decide to smell our hands to make sure we went."

What? I wonder if Mina hears the words coming out of her mouth. "Please, tell me you didn't act this way when you first dated my brother."

Mina stops moving her hands, and she giggles, "Maybe."

When we walk back towards the guys, an unexpected event happens. There, in front of us, were three other faces.

Mina inches closer, "Uncle Dario? Aunt Whitney? Dad?" All five sets of eyes went towards us. "What are you all doing here?"

I don't have a good feeling about this sudden turn of events.

I don't have a good feeling about this sudden turn of events

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