XVI. The More, The Merrier

Start from the beginning

"Mar and I will go together." That was unexpectedly Eli's voice. He looks at Mary, "Mind being my partner the next three to five minutes? I promise I will make it as painless as possible."

Mary giggles, "Alright."

I sat there and watched as Mary took Eli's hand. Together, they went towards the garden to take some photos. I hid my fingers behind my back and leaned against the wall as Eli wrapped his arm around her waist.

He must be a secret player, I contemplated. If not, then he wouldn't be flirting with every girl that has breasts.

Then, the realization occurred. What if my thoughts are accurate? What if Eli is playing around?

Yes, Eli has flirted with me.

Yes, he has confessed that harbored emotions towards me.

But, a guy who likes a girl wouldn't flirt with so many other girls in front of her.

That's idiotic.

I should know.

"What's so funny?" Ben asks.

The tip of my heel twists on the cement, "I just figured out something, and it's amusing."

"Wanna share?"

"So, you can spill it to everyone else?"

He smiles, "No one would believe me anyway."

"Which makes you the best secret keeper?"

Ben nods, "Truly the best out there."

My fingernails scratch against the house painting. Shoot. I just got it done too. Stupid Eli. "Has Eli always been like this?"

"Like what?"


Ben's lips twisted, and he glanced upward. The sky had been grey all day, but it doesn't look like it'll be raining. I hope it rains so I can scream my lungs out and run back into the house. I can use the ruined dress as an excuse not to go to the dance. Everyone knows I don't attend something while looking less than perfect. "Yeah."

I nod, "I see."

"It doesn't seem like it, but Eli does have several girlfriends before. I guess because of his personality; they really liked him too."

"I'm not surprised." Eli is the type of guy who would offer the whole world to a girl.

Ben leaned against me, "You're wondering if he genuinely likes you or if it's all a flirtatious act."

"How would you know that's what I'm thinking?"

"Because a lot of girls who get close to Eli think the same thing."

I hate to admit it.

How it actually hurts me to hear that.

Ben exhales, "If Eli cleans up a little instead of growing out his hair and wearing grandpa's clothes. Don't you think he's good looking?"

I didn't deny what Ben said because it's true. Suppose Eli cleaned up a bit more daily. He is good looking. My lip curve slightly, and I look down at my boots. It's dirty. I should clean them. "Yeah."

If what I deducted is right and Eli is only flirting with everyone. I shouldn't take his confession into heart. How idiotic of me to even consider it in the first place.

But, then there's the tiniest thought that maybe he is serious.

However, a bigger part of me says he isn't.

He's young. He's at the stage in his life where settling down is the last thing in his mind. Despite my physical youth, I'm not at that mindset where I'm into playing games.

And if this is all a game to him.


He got the audience fool.

"It seems like we're the leftovers tonight," Ben said. "It's nothing new to me, but are you okay?"

I look at him, "Believe it or not. It's nothing new to me too."

I lived my whole life believing I'm part of the in-crowd. That couldn't be anymore falsified. The entire time, I was alone.

"Seth!" Mina screamed.


I turned my head to see a young man in a suit, rushing towards us. He embraced Mina and knuckle punched Trevon.

"Who's this?" Mom asked.

"Oh. Everyone, this is Seth. He's Mina's friend."

Seth lifts a palm, "Hello Mrs.Makee. My name is Seth Carrillo. I actually live across the street. Sorry for being late."

Mom smiled and took it. "Hello, Seth." When dad arrives at the small group gathering. He introduced himself to dad.

"You guys look surprised." Surprise is an understatement. Mina turned towards Trevon, "You didn't tell them?"

I bounce off of the wall and pace towards them, "Tell us what?"

Trevon chuckled, "I'm sorry. It was my fault. Seth is going with us to the winter dance."

Seth looks at me and smirks.

I ran my tongue across my cheek.

"Well. The more, the merrier!" Mary said. She gave her statement a little clap.

"Sorry to intrude," Seth replied. He's not sorry.

"Well, one more person won't hurt." Mom laughs, "Alright, last cou-" she stops talking when she realizes there's an extra head. She looks at Ben, then Seth and then me. "Now, we have an oops." Mom probably regrets pairing people now.

Seth smiles, "Why don't Av and Eli take pictures together since they're going together." He sure knows how to start a fire.

"Oh? You two are going together?" Mom asks. "But, I took pictures of Eli and Mary?" She took a few blinks before turning towards Eli, "You two are going together?"

Before Eli could reply, Seth intervened: "Oh! I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood. It's just Eli and Av are so close. I assumed they're going together." He looks at me, "I must be wrong."

I smile, "It's okay, Seth." If he's going to act like we've known each other since forever, I might as well play along. I grabbed his arm and gave it a tight squeeze. All those years of throwing girls in the air have its perks. Such as attempting to rip someone's arm out. "We all know you have a tendency to misunderstand."

Seth grunts lightly but maintains the smile on his face.

"How about the three of us can take it together," Ben suggested. He looks at me, "Is that okay?"

I hate it—all this tension.

Seth removed the arm from my grasp and hung it over my shoulder. When I tried to move away, he forced me back in. My head slammed against his chest, and the point of the earring pressed into my flesh. "I don't mind." He looks down and grins, "What about you, Av?"

I forced a smile, "Of course."



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