VIII. One Time Accident

Start from the beginning

Then, that too disappeared.

I closed the front door and exhaled lightly before my body fell to the ground. With my chin resting against my knees, I stared at my hand, and the smile was unquestionably present.

The weekend flew by everyone, and once my parents were back, Trevon got grounded.

"See! See! This is your son!" Mom shouted. At the moment, dad is seated by Trevon. Somehow, he manages to get in trouble too. "I told you to be more strict on him, but no, let him live his life, you say. He has a girlfriend, you say. He won't live in our basement, you say!"

Dad leans towards Trevon as mom continues to ramble. "Was it worth it, son?"

Trevon grins, "Definitely worth it." They gave each other a knuckle punch.

Mom slammed her hands against the table, and they straightened themselves out. "Don't test me, boys." She glared at Trevon, who gulped, "You're grounded. No more Mina-"

"Mom!" Trevon protested.

"Without supervision!"


"No buts. You're not allowed to see Mina without your dad, me, or Ava present."

"Why am I getting punished?" I mumbled from the living room.

"And you-" she turned her head towards dad, "since you're so happy about your dear son getting a girlfriend and sneaking over her house." She looks at me, "Ava dear gets a free pass to sneak over any boys she likes in the future."

"No!" Dad protested, "That's not how it works! She can't do that!"

"And why can't she?" Mom replied.

"Yeah. Why can't she?" I followed mom.

"Because I got grounded doing that!" Trevon stood by dad's side.

"Yeah, our son got grounded," dad included.

"You're grounded because you lied about what you're doing, not because you stayed with Mina." Mom is good.

"But...But Ava is a girl and-"

"Ava is a girl?" I question. "Because I'm a girl, I can't do those things, and Trevon, who is a boy, can?"

Mom folded her arms, "I never knew you were so sexist, darling."

"No. No," dad interjected.

"I see how this family works. Trevon is a boy. Trevon is the golden child." I'm not mad. I wanted to play around a bit. "Trevon can do whatever he wants, and dad would always stand by his side. Dad won't stand by Ava, his daughter - a girl - side." I pretend to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"No. No. That's not it. I-I-I-" he turns towards Trevon, "You! I'm taking away your gaming console!"

"Dad!" Trevon protested.

"Teach you about lying and sneaking over to girl's house."

"You're the one who taug-"

"No. No. No. You go to your room and think about your actions, mister!" He points a stern finger at the hallway door.

Trevon groaned and stomped his way to his bedroom. Dad cleared his throat, "We need to be stricter on that boy before he impregnates someone."

Mom rolled her eyes before she headed towards a different section of the house to take care of some business. Screaming at people can take a toll on the body.

Dad looks at me and smiles, "I'm unfair to all the children underneath my wings. So, Ava, if you brought a boy back. I will be extremely harsh to him. You understand, right?"

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