Turn 33: One Fight Deal

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???: So you can sense my power.... Kazuma Shouji...

Kazuma: Eh? Who's that?

Suddenly a silhouette of Gyze appeared in his imagination....

Kazuma: G-Gyze?! H-How?!

Gyze: My vessel.... Kazuma Shouji.

Kazuma: Why are you here?! Chrono and the others beat you... so why?!"

Gyze: Just like Orochi said... I left some of my power in you after the fight against TRY3...

Kazuma: And your purpose on doing that?!

Gyze: Before I went to that, there's something that you should know...

Kazuma: What?!

Gyze: The reason I came to earth and cray is not only to bring destruction to both planets.... but to build an army.

Kazuma: An army?

Gyze: An army that is strong enough to beat Orochi and his army...

Kazuma: Eh?! What are you talking about?!

Gyze: Let's just say that I don't have the same goal as Orochi. That's why when I sensed that he's about to be resurrected, all of those things happened. From the Diffrider until I was resurrected with you as my vessel....

Kazuma: So you did all of that just to build an army and in the end, you failed anyway...

Gyze: That's right...

Kazuma: Now back to the main question, why did you put some of your power in me?

Gyze: Before I was completely gone in this world, when Chrono Shindou tried to reached you... I used that chance to put some of my power in you...

Kazuma: Why?

Gyze: Because once I was defeated, Orochi will be resurrected completely. Because a lot of his power are in me and when I was defeated, that's when a huge lot of power came back to Orochi himself... and you can say that I assumed that some day, Orochi would come to this world.

Kazuma: But... that means..

Gyze: After the fight against TRY3, I realized something. All of you humans and units from Cray, actually have the potential to be stronger than Orochi one day. If both planets reunited, then it's a possibility to beat Orochi and his army...

Kazuma: But, if you really disagree with his goal, then why did you not cut ties with Orochi like those Star Vader Link Joker units?! And why did you tried to destroy the world?! You're actually doing him a favor by that!"

Gyze: That's where you're wrong...

Kazuma: Eh?! What do you mean?

Gyze: My goal is to bring destruction... that's my goal. But, for Orochi... he just want to have some fun. Testing the strength of every opponents he faced and bring even more destruction while doing that."

Kazuma: So in the end, you both bring destruction to every place you're in...

Gyze: But, after the fight with TRY3... I can only hope that both planets can defeat Orochi. As for myself, I'm done with bringing destruction... because the serpent king himself is doing it.

Kazuma: So, what are you trying to do now?

Gyze: Kazuma Shouji... who was once my vessel.... you're now trying to beat the serpent king in a cardfight. Allow me, for this one time only... to work together to beat the serpent king.

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