Turn 6: Flashback Fight

180 5 0

Aisaki: "Now the final fight.... Kamui Katsuragi versus... Ryoma Shindou... start!"

Kamui and Ryoma: "Stand up.... Vanguard!"

Kamui: "Beast Deity, Ethics Neon!"

Ryoma: "Dragon Knight, Alvin!"

Kazuya: "Just like Karen, he uses Nova Grappler huh?"

Tatsumi: "Yes, but manager uses the Beast Deity version, while Karen uses the Raizer version."

Kazuya: "I see..."

Ryoma: "Ride! Spear Fire Dragon!"

Kamui: "Ride! Beast Deity, Riot Climax. Ethics Neon moves to the left back. Attack!" (Power 7K)

Ryoma: (1/6 damage) "My turn! Ride... Dragon Knight, Nehalem! Call, Double Spear of Justice, Tahr! Tahr attacks! (9K Power)

Kamui: "No guard." (1/6 damage)

Ryoma: "Boosted by Alvin, Nehalem attacks!" (10K Power)

Kamui: (2/6 damage) "Draw! Ride... Beast Deity, Max Lord! Call... Beast Deity, Hatred Chaos! Hatred attacks boosted by Ethics Neon. Skill activated, +3K Power!" (17K Power)

Ryoma: "Guard!" (10K Shield, 20K Total)

Kamui: "Beast Deity, Max Lord attacks!" (10K Power)

Ryoma: "No guard."

Kamui: "Drive check... stand trigger! Hatred stands and it gets +5K Power!"

Ryoma: (2/6 damage)

Kamui: "Ethics Neon skill activated, when the rear guard in front of it stands, Ethics Neon stands too and gets +3K Power! Hatred Chaos attacks!" (25K Power)

Ryoma: "No guard." (3/6 damage)

Kamui: "Turn end."

Ryoma: Manager is strong.... he really is the Asia Circuit Champion afterall... but I can't lose...

Kamui: "Now, it's your turn. Show me what you got!"

Ryoma: "Of course! Here I go!"

Kamui: (Smiling) Looking at you right now.... you really remind me of your father back then... but this time, you're cheerful.... maybe because he got it from his mother...

Ryoma: "Ride! Dragonic Evolution! Call!"

Ryoma: "Boosted by Spear Fire Dragon, Nehalem attacks!" (17K Power)

Kamui: "Guard!" (10K Shield, 20K Total)

Ryoma: "Boosted by Alvin, Dragonic Evolution attacks!" (16K Power)

Kamui: "No guard."

Ryoma: "Twin drive! First check... second check... critical trigger! Power goes to Tahr, critical goes to Evolution!"

Kamui: (4/6 damage)

Karen: "4 damage..."

Aisaki: "Impressive..."

Ryoma: "Evolution skill, if the attack hits... draw one card! Thar attacks, skill activated! If my Vanguard has "Dragonic" in it's name, +3K Power!" (17K Power)

Kamui: "Guard!" (10K Shield, 20K Total)

Ryoma: "Turn end."

Tatsumi: "The damage is now 3 to 4."

Kazuya: "But, it's manager's turn now."

Kamui: "Impressive Ryoma..."

Ryoma: "I'm not giving you an easy time you know?"

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