Turn 14: Fierce Battle

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Aisaki: "We finally meet, Ryoma."

Ryoma: "Yeah, this is the kind of fight that I'm waiting for."

Aisaki: "Likewise! And with you as my opponent, I'm not going to give you a chance to breath!"

Ryoma: "Ooohh that's scary, we'll see who's going to win."

Aisaki: "Yeah!"

Aisaki and Ryoma: "Stand up.... Vanguard!"

Aisaki: "Royal Trumpeter!

Ryoma: "Dragon Knight, Alvin! Ride! Spear Fire Dragon!"

Aisaki: "Ride! Little Sage, Marron! Boosted by Royal Trumpeter, Marron attacks!" (13K Power)

Ryoma: (1/6 damage) "Ride! Dragon Knight, Nehalem! Call... Flame Future Dragon! Attacks!" (9K Power)

Aisaki: (1/6 damage)

Ryoma: "Boosted by Alvin, Nehalem attacks!" (15K Power)

Aisaki: (2/6 damage) "Ride! Extreme Knight, Ergad! Skill activated! Superior call, Tactics Knight, Gary! Gary attacks!" (9K Power)

Ryoma: "No guard." (2/6 damage)

Aisaki: "Boosted by Royal Trumpeter, Ergad attacks!" (14K Power)

Ryoma: "No guard." (3/6 damage)

Aisaki: "Turn end."

Karen: "Still no signs of huge attacks..."

Kazuya: "They're still trying to find that rythm it seems..."

Tatsumi: "Looks like it."

Ryoma: "Ride! Dragonic Evolution! Call, Spear Fire Dragon and Spear Dancer Dragon! Spear Dancer Dragon attacks Gary!" (9K Power)

Aisaki: "Guard!" (5K Shield, 14K Total)

Ryoma: "Boosted by Alvin, Dragonic Evolution attacks!"

Aisaki: "No guard."

Ryoma: "Twin drive! First check... second check... heal trigger! I recover one damage and power goes to Flame Future Dragon!" (2/6 damage)

Aisaki: (3/6 damage)

Ryoma: "Boosted by Spear Fire Dragon, Future Flame Dragon attacks!" (21K Power)

Aisaki: "No guard." (4/6 damage)

Ryoma: "Turn end."

Karen: "4 to 2..."

Toneri: "But it's Aisaki's turn now..."

Aisaki: "Arise my avatar of light! Ride... Blaster Blade Rising! Stride Generation! Holy Royal Dragon, Soul Savor Rising!"

Ryoma: "Come!"

Aisaki: "Stride skill! Counterblast 1 and retire Flame Future Dragon! Call... Ergad and Marron! Soul Savor Rising's skill, Counterblast 2, Soulblast 2, and flip one card from my G zone! All of my rear guards get +5K power!"

Ryoma: "Looks like you're getting even more serious now..."

Aisaki: "Yeah... here I go! Ergad attacks!" (14K Power)

Ryoma: "Guard." (10K Shield, 21K Total)

Aisaki: "Boosted by Royal Trumpeter, Soul Saver Rising attacks!" (36K Power)

Ryoma: "No guard."

Aisaki: "Triple Drive! First check... heal trigger! I recover one damage and power goes to Gary! Second check... critical trigger! Power to Gary, critical to my Vanguard! Third check..." (3/6 damage)

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