Turn 28: Another Tournament

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At Shindou's Residence

Ryoma: "Are you ready, Haru?"

Haruko: "Yes!"

Ryoma: "Mother, we'll go now!"

Tokoha: "Be careful okay?"

Ryoma: "Yes!"

At Card Capital 2

Ryoma: "Wow... there are a lot of participants here..."

Haruko: "That's right..."

Kazuya: "Ryoma!" (Waving his hand)

Ryoma: "Oh that's Tatsumi and Kazuya..."

Tatsumi: "So you bring your sister as well in this tournament?"

Ryoma: "Actually, she's participating in this tournament."

Kazuya: "Really? Wow... that's amazing."

Haruko: "Hehe..."

Aisaki: "Hey there, Ryoma!"

Ryoma: "Aisaki, Karen... and Toneri?"

Toneri: "Hey!"

Aisaki: "We three will be participating as well."

Ryoma: "Hehe, we're all here together participating in a tournament. It's definitely nice to see."

Mayumi: "You're not the only one."

Ryoma: "Huh? Big sister Mayumi and big brother Asahi?"

Asahi: "We're participating as well."

Ryoma: "Even my family participating as well. This is going to be a good one."

Mayumi: "Hey there, Haru! You'll be participating as well?"

Haruko: "Yes!"

Asahi: "Interesting... hopefully I get to fight you, Haru."

Haruko: "Hehe... likewise! Big brother, I'm going to find my friends now."

Ryoma: "Oh okay, be careful!"

Haruko: "Yes!"

Kamui: "So welcome to Card Capital 2 Shop Tournament! I'm going to explain the rules now! You're allowed to fight against anyone and it doesn't matter how many times you fight against the same opponent. You are free to fight! When you win, you can go the counter and get a stamp from the cats over there. The fighter with the most wins, will be declared the winner of this tournament!"

Ryoma: "So we can fight as many as we want huh?"

Tatsumi: "Yeah..."

Kazuya: "Compared to a team tournament, I actually prefer this one."

Kamui: "So without further ado... prepare yourselves because we will start in five minutes!"

Before the tournament starts, Kamui went to Ryoma and the others to tell them the reasons why he made this tournament...

Kamui: "So before the tournament starts, which is in five minutes. You guys know why I made this tournament?"

Ryoma: "Uhm... why?"

Kamui: "With all the things that has been going on lately, and since you guys will joined the fight as well, I made this tournament so you all can prepare yourselves."

Ryoma: "I see..."

Aisaki: "It's a nice idea you know?"

Tatsumi: "Yeah, we can prepare ourselves now."

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