Better Late Than Never!

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Warning! The one-shot your about to read...


Is absolutely hilarious!

Well, at least I find it hilarious that is! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Hello everyone and welcome to my official TMF One-Shots Book: Cause Why Not UwU! A place were you can find tmf one-shots written by me! And requested by me! Cause god knows I have way too many ideas so far to have that piled up with requests from readers- (sorry guys, maybe I'll take request occasionally, like on holidays or something..)

Anyways, if your still here reading this, I hope you enjoy my tmf one-shots and that your looking forward to more. (even tho there's only one installment so far-)


A/N: Now for our first one-shot! So if anyone here from The Pain Of The Past recalls (A TMF fanfic I wrote for those of you who are wondering) I mentioned in one of the chapters (spoiler warning btw for anyone who hasn't read it) that one of my favorite parts about it was Jake showing up late for practice.

Sooo~ I decided to write a one-shot for it since this scenario had me in tears when I first came up with it and I wanted to elaborate on it. Anyways I hope you enjoy it and find it just as amusing as my messed up humor does! ^^

(Btw this: ~ behind a work means its being stressed/trailed on so bare that in mind when reading, ty! 😅)


Description: When Jake accidentally mixes up the time for band rehearsals and oversleeps, it's up to him to try and make it to Hailey & Zander's place as soon as he possibly can!


Jake's POV:

It was a bright and early Saturday morning. I was laying peacefully in bed fast asleep as the sun's soft rays illuminated over me from a nearby window. I was surrounded by nothing but the warm comfort of my peach wool blanket, rapped around my body gently like a mother's hug.

Man do I love sleeping in on Saturday mornings, but unfortunately for me, I wasn't gonna be able to so for very long on this particular morning..

You see, today was the day for the whole club to get together at Zander and Hailey's place for band rehearsals at 10:30 AM sharp according to club president herself! So I had be up and out of bed by 9:30 AM so I could get ready and make it there on time. least that's what I initially thought...

In the middle of my peaceful slumber, I suddenly felt a small hand shaking me awake. I slowly opened my tired eyes to see the blurry vision of my little brother standing beside me as he continued to shake me awake with his left arm alone.

I soon noticed he was also holding my phone in his other hand, which left me a bit surprised. I slowly batted open my eyes as I gave him a confused look. "Little bro..?" I asked slowly lifting my head up from my pillow. "What are you doing in here?"

He had an alarmed look on his, but I didn't really understand why. "I-I came to wake you!" He cried as I slowly began to sit up. "Mom told me to come and get you wouldn't oversleep, but when I came into your room, I saw that you're phone was ringing..and that it was girlfriend!"

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