'The birth of Saimum also resulted in the Brotherhood's hands. Perhaps Israel's flag would have collapsed from the pinnacle of Tel-Aviv and drowned in the Meditteranean sea long before. One awful day, the luminary of our hope was eclipsed. Hasan Al-Banna, the leader of Muslim Brotherhood, was shot dead on the terrain of Egypt...' Rashid stops at a thwack by Amin Çağatay's elbow. He looks ahead to notice a light signal from a dark cave flickering in a specific pattern. He informs his companions that they have reached the first checkpoint. A few meters away, two silhouettes are standing in position with machine guns.

Abd Ar-Rashid whistles in a strange note. Immediately a giant guard clad in black walks to Abu Bakr Senouci and holds a plate full of wooden letters. Senouci picks the letter W. The guard lowers his revolver, salutes and shakes hands with each one of them. They crossed the first checkpost.

'What was that?!' A surprised Amin Çağatay asks.

'Your turn will arrive in the third one,' Abd Ar-Rashid replies with a chuckle. 'You will also have to pass such tests to enter the outpost.'

'But I did not know about this, Hasan Tariq didn't tell...' Çağatay worriedly says.

'Yes, I get it. And I am equally ignorant about all these. Let's see. I have informed brother Musa about you.'

After the next few miles of arduous trekking, they reach the second checkpost. Just like the previous time, Abd Ar-Rahman is brought a tray with wooden letters on it. He takes the letter A.

Amin Çağatay gets stuck in the third checkpost. They are ordered to wait there until new commands arrive from the headquarters.

About fifteen minutes later, Amin Çağatay is released with Ahmad Musa's orders.


On the mountainside beside a narrow valley twelve miles north to Amman and twenty miles east to the Jordan River, few secret chambers are dimly glimmering. Saimum freedom fighters' camps and observation posts are scattered all around the cave. Guerilla operations directed from here have ruined their night's sleep- the Jewish despots of the country from Eilat to Gaza and Haifa to Jerusalem. Today, they are afraid of patrolling with their rifles even in the darkness of night. As if they have figured out that the day is near, when each drop of Palestinian blood will be avenged.

Inside one of the secret chambers, a large round table is set. Every object in the room is shining clean. Ten chairs surround the table. Eight seats are occupied. Two empty chairs are at one side - one is Hasan Tariq's and the other one is Ali Efendi's. Hasan Tariq is missing; Ali Efendy hasn't reached yet. Beside the three members of Saimum, two representatives from Africa and one from Turkey are also present in this meeting. Africa's finest ambassador, Abd Ar-Rahman, is reading the report sent by UMLLA Central Council. Perspiration forms on his forehead despite the winter night. Ahmad Musa's head is lowered. His thoughts have completely absorbed him.

Abdur Rahman's report says: 'Africa has a total population of 322 million people, and 198 million of them are Muslims. Including the foreign colonizers, the Christian population adds up to 47 million. They are scattered throughout different countries of Southern, Eastern and Western Africa. In the Muslim countries of this region, the Christian population is no higher than 15%. Despite being minimal in quantity, with the assistance of their imperialist kindred, they subjugated and subjected to colonial oppression the people of countries like Ethiopia, Chad, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Dahomey, Central African Republic, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Senegal and more.

'The door of education has been shut for the Muslims. Although, if a Muslim child gets to an educational institute, he would be bound to change his Muslim name and some ended up being converted to Christianity. Economic activities and business opportunities have all been appropriated to the Christians. Partaking in politics is forbidden for the Muslims. Stuck in a situation so suffocating from all sides, their existence is endangered.

Operation: Tel-Aviv (Saimum Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now