T̶h̶r̶e̶e̶ Two Lovers Intwined

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[Quackity's POV]

Quackity pushed his hair out of his eyes, sighing. Karl and Sapnap had gotten mad when he left. Really mad.

He didn't understand it really, they never cared before so why did they know?

The three had fallen in love under weird circumstances. Sapnap and Karl had been on a date of their own, wandering through the forests of Kinoko Kingdom late at night seeing as thats when the lanters that lay around the greenery shone the brightest. Quackity was a comedian, who had made fun of a scrawny guy in his small audience.

Turns out the guy was the leader of a gang, and he got beat up in a forest as a result.

Quackity lay bloody and bruised against a mushroom, completely dazed. All he did was call the guy a stick and he got beat up ws a restult? This was bullcrap! His body felt so broken that is hurt to even blink, even if he felt like getting up he couldn't. His pale yellow duck wings had been hammered into the soft cream bark with sticks like he was Jesus Christ or something.

That was funny.

He should become a comedian.

Wait he already was one.

Double comedian.

Oh my Prime Quackity was a genius.

The duck hybrid heard the faint sound of talking and laughing, probably some gangsters he'd have to owe but he'd take any chance he could get.

Quackity screamed, no words or anything just screaming. He used all the pain he had ignored while he got beat within an inch of his life to have the option of actually living past 18.

The hybrid paused for breath, only to hear dead silence. Well this was great, he just blew the only chance he got.

"Oh my Prime!" A voice that wasn't his own thoughts gasped, damn nevermind.

"Dude you look awful." Another said, snickering.

"Thanks very much man, totally didn't just get my ass beat." The duck joked, smile on his face even though he was most likely bleeding out.

"What even happened?" The first dude asked, kneeling next to Quackity. "Also this'll hurt."

"Called some guy a stick and got jumped by his gang, also I won't get hurt I-" The injured man was interupted as a rocket of pain exploded from his wing, he let out a loud string of curses mainly aimed at the other dude who was doing nothing but cackling.

"Instead of laughing actually do something Sapnap!" The voice demanded, to be fair Quackity still hadn't looked up at the men assisting him.

The hybrid looked up, to his left disinfecting his wounds was a brown haired man, a crown made of flowers and mushrooms rested happily between the fluffy hair. The brunette was wearing a cream short sleeved button up shirt and denim shorts.

Quackity's face turned a bright red.

He had been found beaten and tied up to a tree like Jesus by the prince and heir to the throne Karl Jacobs.

The duck was so close to killing himself.

He knew who was next to him, which just made this situation tons more embarrasing. Prince Sapnap from The SMP, the second most powerful kingdom apart from The Artic Empire.

Two important princes were helping some immature commoner.

He felt Karl pull him off the floor, the hybrid had to lean on the mushroom he had just been attatched to for support.

"Are you able to walk?" The prince asked softly, caring purple eyes looking right into his own light grey ones.

"Yeah. I'm good, thanks for the help!" He smiled, taking a small step forwards only for his own body to betray him and send him crashing towards the moss covered floor.

The pain of the ground never hit though, instead he was caught in someones arms.

The comedian looked up to see a grinning blaze prince staring down at him. He chuckled sheepishly before being swept off his feet, being carried like a bride.

Quackity literally squaked in shock.

Sapnap burst into laughter at the action, yet continued to keep a tight grip on the duck.

"So you got anywhere to go?" The prince asked, they were heading towards town to hopefully get him some better medical attention.

"Other then some abandoned cottage I found? Nah." The hybrid chuckled.

And that's how it began really.

2 princes, 1 comedian.

An odd trio sure, but they made it work.

Untill Sapnap left.

The blaze had to leave because of his parents, the king and queen were so angry over the fact their son decided a commoner was worthy of his love.

He had no choice.

Quackity couldn't blame him for that.

Who he did blame for the most part was Karl.

Not long after the younger prince left his parents were assinated, the now king of Kinoko Kingdom was a target too but was protected by a maid who saw the brunette as a younger brother.

The maid didn't make it.

Quackity spent so many nights staying awake put of pure paranoia that the killers may come back, he was awoken so many nights just after he dozed off by the sobbing of his finaceè. He had been there for Karl through thick and thin, never once leaving his side. Going to royal meetings and taking all the disgusted looks thrown his way in his stride. He had worn the itchy and annoying facy clothes all so Karl wasn't embarrased.

Yet, he was forgotten.

As soon as Sapnap came back into the picture he was pushed aside, ignored, unloved. The duck remembered sitting paitently on a bench with flowers around it on his birthday, waiting for his beloved's to show up.

But they never came.

What really drove him to leave though, what really pushed him oved the edge was when Karl told the gaurds to not let him in.

He came to give a gift, 3 proper rings.

For the mean time they had been using twigs and flowers, binding them around each others finger as a way of love even if the ring wasn't permanent. He swore he would get them real rings once he got the money.

But they never recived them.

Now the 3 golden rings sit in a box on his desk in his country, Las Navadas. Waiting for someone to wear them.





word count: 1087

Family? [SBI Royalty AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang