First Encounters

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[Dream's POV]

Dream re-adjusted his mask, making sure it covered his face in every way. He and the rulers of The SMP were headed to the Artic Empire, something the dragon was thrilled but also nervous about. He was thrilled over the chance of seeing the Thomas that Prince Wilbur had dragged in, on the other hand the only reason they were headed there in the first place was to discuss giving The SMP some of their land.

The 2 kingdoms were on the brink of war, The SMP wanted more power and to gain power you needed land. They had been able to ask other smaller kingdoms for a small section of their land and they gave in easily knowing for a fact Dream's adoptive parents could crush them like bugs under their feet. The Artic Empire however, had much more land then them. Not by a lot but enough to be significant.

 Dream didn't see the point in this. The Empire had done nothing to them to make the king and queen upset yet they wanted their land. They wanted a small city called Snowchester. The town was lovely, it had no clear leader other then Prince Tubbo from L'manberg who, from the ender dragons knowledge, had presented the idea to King Phil so he knew how to run a country before he came into rule of his father King Schlatt's kingdom. Eventually, the city did it's own thing. It recognised Tubbo as the founder but other then that there was no president leading the place.

Sapnap mentioned that in reality they should talk to Tubbo or even the city folk about taking over but they insisted they talked to King Philza, saying it was in his land so he rightfully owned it. Not the prince or the people. Dream knew that once Snowchester entered The SMP's clutches it would crumble. In reality, the leaders weren't all that great. 

The Badlands had declared independence because the mayor Badboyhalo was the only one keeping the major city stable. 

The king and queen didn't even care.

Now he was stood outside the castle gates with his adoptive parents and 2 little brothers. He didn't really see Sapnap's parents as family, only calling them mother and father if we wanted to get his way, or Mars wanted something but wasn't allowed too. Mars was 4, and reminded Dream a little too much of Tommy. He was energetic, loud, curious and mischievous. The 4 year old was one of the few reasons he didn't just up and leave. Mars, like himself, was adopted. He was a curly black haired, ruby eyed piglin hybrid with piglin legs, ears, tail and fangs. 

Dream adored him. 

The piglin had a knack for picking up on peoples emotions somehow, and noticed how upset the dragon would get at people complimenting his eyes. So Mars would get as close to the person as possible and spout nonsense so they would focus on him instead of his oldest brother. It worked, seeing as he was a cute toddler.

Eventually they entered the castle, the walls were painted a light blue, with white details painted across them. It was all types of things, flowers, snowflakes, leaves and what looked like sea shells. It was an odd looking assortment at first but when the ender dragon thought about it he realised they represented each season. Two grand staircases were either side of the back wall, both leading to a second floor of sorts, an empty marble fountain stood proudly in the middle of the room. There was no one here, except 2 people sitting on the fountain.

The first was laughing his head off, clutching his stomach with one hand and using the other to lean on his companion for support. Golden hair lay in front of his eyes, making them not visible. The boy was wearing the classic icy blue suit blazer with a cream blouse underneath. He wore black suit trousers and no shoes. Odd for someone who looked like a prince. A burgundy shawl was discarded on the floor near the base of the marble fountain. Apple red bird wings rested on his back.

The other was a lot taller then their friend, they looked about 8'5 which would be terrifying when they stood up. The taller was very clearly an enderman, but had shamrock green eyes instead of the neon purple others had. Their hair was a clear white with a red streak at the front, it was tied in a very short ponytail. The enderman wore an incredibly crinkled suit with brown leather business shoes.

Mars pushed himself away from Dream, running off to the pair. Stopping at the fountain. The shorter noticed the child first.

"Hey buddy! What you doing in here?" He asked, in that soft tone you use for babies.

In response the 4 year old climbed up onto the level they were sitting at right in the middle of the duo, he reached up and gripped the blonde's hair.

"Gold." The piglin said, still holding his hair. The other started laughing at his little brothers behaviour.

"You got another friend Tommy. Add it to the list" They chuckled.

Tommy didn't seem to mind, he was still smiling. The way Mars was holding his hair made it so the boys eyes were now visible. They were a spruce colour, with dark circles resting underneath them.

"Gold eh?" The avian mumbled, reaching into his trouser pocket. He pulled out a small gold coin, taking the piglin's hand out of his hair and pushing the gold into his little hand. "Here kiddo, some real gold."

Mars took the coin letting go of the boys hair, sitting down to inspect it as wild piglins do. Turning it left and right, looking for any imperfections. Finally, the toddler placed it carefully into his button up shirt pocket before taking off a small gold bracelet with The SMP royal families emblem. Tommy only chuckled and shook his head.

"No kid, keep it." He told the 4 year old, making the piglin shut his hand around the bracelet.

"Keep?" Mars repeated, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Yeah, think of it like a one off." Tommy explained, smiling.

The toddler ran off back to his family, the blonde watching as he ran off. Upon seeing them his eyes flashed with recognition.

"Ranboo do me a favour and go get dad, Wil and Techno." He told Ranboo.

"Why?" The enderman asked, looking over to where Dream, Sapnap, Mars, King Blaze and Queen Ella were stood. Now the taller was facing directly at them he noticed that half of his skin was a light grey, and the rest of his hair was an obsidian black, with a green streak matching his right eye and his left eye was a bright red like the streak on the right side of their hair.

"Just do it." The blonde sighed, getting up as Ranboo went to climb the stairs. Tommy bowed in front of them.

"I'm so sorry we didn't think you would be here so soon." He apologised before rising again.

Blaze just tapped his foot impatiently, clearly annoyed by the lack of formality.


hiiiii yay they meet more characters too. i know mars is sapnaps fish in cannon dsmp but i say no to cannon on the daily. finished this 10 mins before midnight cuz im actually that good.

remember to eat and stay hydrated!

word count: 1248

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