Medic Ward

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[Tommy's POV]

Tommy yawned, sitting himself up and beginning to stretch. He felt a tug at his wings as he attempted to stretch them, limiting their movement he turned his head to look at his wings only for them to be wrapped in banadges.

They had found him, the people who worked at the orphanage were right. The person who had ran to him wasn't his saviour, they were his enemy. They had seen the injured boy and taken the chance they got with no hesitation. The cloth around his wings was probably from where they had already taken a few feathers and made him bleed.

The avian started to panic, pulling and tearing at the bandages that stopped him from being able to escape, his thin arms were also wrapped in the grey cloth. His arms hurt from tugging at the fabric yet he get ragging it in hope to have a slim chance of freedom once more.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down!" A voice told him, making Tommy attempt to rip the bandages quicker, a small tear on the fabric giving the boy a glimmer of hope. A hand pulled his away from the cloth, Tommy jolted back hitting his head off the bed frame. He looked over to where the hand came from, there stood a red-headed fox hyrbid. His ears lay flat against his head as he examined the bandage on his wing, probably looking for any serious damadge, he wore an oversized white jacket and had a distressed look on his face. "Right, your bandages haven't been ripped too much why did you even tear at them in the first place?" the fox questioned him, looking at him like he was royalty.

"Wanted to fly." Tommy mumbled in response, earning a hum of understanding from the man.

"Fair, whats your name kid?" The red-head asked him.

"Tommy, also I'm not a kid." He snapped at him.

"Alright Tommy, stay there, Prince Wilbur asked to be notified when you woke up." He said before getting up and walking out of the spruce doors.

The avian blinked in confusion. Prince Wilbur? As in Prince Wilbur Soot of the Artic Empire? There was no way that it was possible a prince decided to save a dirty orphan like himself. The man, who he assumed was a doctor, must of been messing with him, playing with his brain to make him think he was in some way important. But sure enough, not even minutes after the fox left in walked in Prince Wilbur Soot. He wasn't wearing the typical pale blue and dark red royal attire, instead he wore simple jeans, a white shirt, some heeled boots and a brown coat, the coat swirled around his feet as he walked towards the boy. Wilbur's hazel eyes sparkled with joy behind his circle glasses and chocolate brown hair.

"Tommy! Your'e awake!" The prince said to him, Tommy only blinked in response. This had to be a dream.
"Where do your parents live so we can tell them where you are?" He questioned, the avian took this as a perfect oppurtunity to make a witty joke.

"6 feet under somewhere, not too sure I haven't visited their graves since I was like, 8." He chuckled, but it was clear Wilbur didn't find the joke as funny as he did.

The prince's face dropped. "I'm so sorry, that was an instensitive question." He apologised.

"Don't worry about it boss man, over it, happened 10 years ago." Tommy shrugged, he had no clue why he felt so comfortable around literal royalty. But it was like a safe aura hung around the brunette, making him feel like family.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" The prince asked him, Prime he asked so many questions.

"Other then the orphanage? Nah, I'll be kicked out in 2 years though being a legal adult n that." Tommy informed Wilbur.

As quick as lightning the prince stood up, wide smile coming back to his lips as he clasped his hands together. "Alright then! I'll go ask my dad if you can live with us!" The brunette declared, walking off instantly.

[Wilbur's POV]

Wilbur ignored the protests of the young boy that was sitting in bed behind him as he headed through the doors and began walking down the hallway. He was not going back at this point, he had found the boy bleeding by a tree, once the blood was cleared and the injuries were bandadges the prince saw the blonde was covered in scars. Some were smaller then others, but what really stood at to him was the large scar running from Tommy's eyebrow to the corner of his lip right through what would have been his eye when the wound occured.

Wilbur really had to stop getting attatched to things he picked up off the streets that were hurt. The last time it was a rabbit and now this time it was an avian boy. Prime, how was he going to tell Phil?


chapter 2 done and dusted!

ill try to post a chapter a day, but this might be delayed by a few days if i get stuck of a certain peice or just forget about it in general.

thanks for the vote btw! i dont really know what it means but ive heard its positive so thank you!

word count: 899

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