Mushroom Forest

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[Dream's POV]

Dream sat in the corner of his room, porcelain mask discarded somewhere on the carpet floor.

 He was done. 

They had declared war on The Artic Empire and now expected Sapnap to fight in it.

Their own son.

With his own life.

With so much ahead of him.

Sapnap had a fiancée for Prime's sake! It was stupid, it was all stupid, they were stupid.

The ender dragon sighed, shoving his hands into his face.

Didn't they know in the end all it did was cause suffering?

He didn't care what he had to do, but he would make sure that his younger brother didn't fight in the chess game of war.

Dream pulled himself out of the corner, scanning his fairly bland bedroom for the white mask he at this point needed to function.

The blonde spotted it, the mask was laying in the corner it looked rather sad with no one wearing it. He walked over and grabbed the porcelain, tying the black string around the back of his head. He opened his window, not even bothering to leave a note. Sapnap would know where he was plus the King and Queen didn't even care about his whereabouts.

Dream opened his grey and black dragons wings and launched into the night, he wouldn't fly for long of course only until he got a few minutes away from his destination.

After at least half an hour of flying he began to recognise the soft red and white lights that originated from the place he needed to get too.

Kinoko Kingdom.

The blonde landed onto the floor, trying his best not to crush the small mushrooms that rested in the ground. The masked prince continued on his path, marvelling at the odd nature of this place, no matter how many times he visited he could never get over the harsh change of plants. Large red mushrooms with white speckles replaced trees, each one bent over the moss path like a type of shelter to the visitors. Multiple flowers sprouted from the ground as he got closer, white tulips, daffodils, poppies, corn flowers and smaller mushrooms as well. The blonde carefully traced his fingers over the soft cream bark of this kingdoms trees, noticing the stone walls that were covered head to toe in vines and moonflowers. Dream began to sprint at the walls, jumping and latching onto a few vines, he was allowed to enter the kingdom of course but climbing the walls was insanely fun. The guards had become accustomed to it at this point, the king had said they told new guards about him in training, he thought this was a joke but a newer member called Ponk had told him that it was an actual thing.

Dream tried to grab for the vines, only to loose his grip and fall onto the floor.

"Dream are you ok?" An unfamiliar person asked, the blonde looked over from where the voice originated from.

Now kneeling beside him was a guard he did not know. White curly hair managed to push it's way out of a black, red and yellow camouflage designed mask that only showed his dark grey eyes. The guards arms were held up to his chest one curled into a fist the other, which appeared to be a prosthetic, rested in a way you would use to wave at someone. The arm prosthetic was the same pattern as his mask.

"Uhm... Yeah I'm alright, uh who are you exactly? And how do you know me?" The dragon asked, propping himself up on his arms.

"Oh! I'm Ponk! They talk about you in training, just a brief thing saying not to worry if we see you climbing the walls." Ponk explained, offering a hand to the fallen prince, which he happily took.

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