The Sky, The Stars

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[Wilbur's POV]

Wilbur paced back and forth in front of the doors that led to the dining hall where his family were. It had been at least an hour and he still couldn't figure out how to tell them. He couldn't just say 'Hey dad! Hey Techno! You know how I brought in an injured rabbit a few months ago? Yeah, the same thing happened but this time it's an avain boy!'

Actually, that didn't sound too bad.

The prince took a deep breath before pushing open the doors and walking into the room.

"Will! There you are! You've been gone for a while!" His father, King Philza, exclaimed. The king's blonde hair reached his shoulders, on top of the mess of hair was a green and white striped bucket hat. It was standard for him to wear that though. He was wearing a green cardigan that drooped from his shoulders along with a black shirt.

"Yeah, Prime Wil you were taking forever." His brother, Prince Technoblade, added on. He was wearing a pig mask that just covered his eyes along with his long pale pink hair, any skin that was visible was mostly covered in scars. Kind of like Tommy's, he thought to himself. The masked prince was still wearing his royal attire, it wasn't the typical blue's and red's of the Artic Empire but he wore it to formal meetings none the less.

"Shut up pig face." Wilbur snapped at him, causing Techno to give a fake gasp of betrayl.

"How could you? My own little brother!" He cried in his monotone voice, the mask made it so he showed little to no emotion.

The brunette pulled out a chair opposite his brother, taking a deep breath once more.

"Ok so I have something to tell you all." He sighed, recieving questioning looks from his family.

"Ok so you know when I brought in a hurt rabbit? Yeah that's happened again but this time it's an avian child." Wilbur explained to them in one breath before slamming his head into his arms that were resting on the table.

"You. What?!" Technoblade yelled, shooting up from his place at the table. Philza however just sat, stunned. An avian boy? There was no way, he swore he was the last one left.

"Sit." The king instructed his son, and the prince obliged. "Will, where is he?"

"Medical ward, had a pretty nasty fall, blood was everywhere." The brunette hummed in response, "Wanna meet him?"

"Of course I do Will, you brought a literal injured child into the castle of course I want to see him." The king told his son. Prime, one way or another Wilbur always got into trouble.

"C'mon then." The brunette instructed before getting up from the table and walking back to the door, his family close behind him.

[Tommy's POV]

Tommy sat on the window ledge, swinging his legs. Prime, he could not wait to fly again. Sure, last time hadn't gone so well but the castle grounds had little to no trees around, there was hardly any risk.

The avian had practically begged the doctor, who he learned was named Fundy, to free his wings. And to his suprise, the fox did.

"Don't be too reckless, no flying for more then 30 minutes ok? You could so more harm then good if you did." Fundy instructed him as he unwrapped Tommy's bandages.

"Alright furry." He said through giggles, trying despratley not to start laughing when the man glared at him.

"Tommy?" he heard Wilbur call, this was perfect. He wasn't going to leave of course, the boy planned to drag out his stay as long as possible maybe purpously hurt himself to have to recover longer. As the noise of footsteps against marble flooring got ever closer Tommy scrambled to stand on the ledge.

He closed his eyes as the steps stopped, probably staring at him.

He saluted and fell backwards, extending his wings as he fell. Wind whistled against his ears and pushed against his clothes as he continued to fall from the castle window, he swivled his body round. Tommy could practically feel the blades of grass brush against his face as he shot up again, flying high above the castle walls.

[Philza's POV]

The three watched as the boy stood on the window ledge, Wilbur was right. He had large, crimson wings coming from between his shoulder blades. He was skinny, with scars covering his arms, the boy had dirty blonde hair, he was wearing a dirty white t-shirt and khaki shorts, what interested Phil the most though, was the large scar that went straight from the end of his eyebrow to the bottom of his lip straight through his eye. The boy saluted mockingly before falling back first off the window ledge.

"Did he just salute?!" Wilbur yelled, running over to the window only to stumble back after a blur of red passed the window.

"That him?" Techno asked nonchalontly.

"Yep." His younger son sighed, he looked over to his father and opened his mouth, but Phil interupted him.

"Yes, I will go after him Wil I'll be back once i find him. Don't burn the castle down while I'm gone!" He chuckled before climbing onto the ledge and taking off, obsidian black wings launching him into the air. Philza planned to go above the walls to get a better veiw, by now the sun was setting but it was still worth a try.

He flew upwards, his search was stopped short though as he saw the same boy staring up at the sky as it shifted colours and hues.

The boy's arm was extened, like he was trying to grab the clouds that hung peacefully above the pair. The child's eyes were shining with excitement and curiousity.

"Sunsets are so pretty, aren't they?" Phil said, instead of panicing like the king expected him to the blonde continued to stare at the sky in wonder.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to touch one." The younger avian chuckled to himself, "Stupid, isn't it? For a 16 year old to belive he can hold a sunset, or a cloud, or a star? He asked the older, the excitement of the situation slowly draining from his sky blue eyes, smile begging to drop.

"Not at all, I still want to sometimes." The king reassured him, watching as  his smile returned.

And in that moment King Philza decided that this boy would be his son. On the way to the medical ward Wilbur had informed him that Tommy's parents had passed away, and watching as the boy's eyes lit up even more at the sight of stars and began to talk about the different contellations his heart warmed even more.


pspspspspsps Phil and Tommy bonding pspspspsps

in all seriousness this chapter was so nice to write, i loved it. unfortunelately no more chapters will be posted for 2 days cuz my phones being taken off me :(

remember to eat and stay hydrated!

word count: 1171

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