The Bittersweet Smell Of Rain

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[No one's POV]

It had been at least a week since Tommy had arrived in the castle, his wounds had healed by now and he was given a room inside the property. Prime knows why, but the royal family seemed to have taken a liking to the avian boy. 

Tommy was now aloud to walk around the castle seeing as he was in a better physical condition, but once you explore every room in a ginormous building it becomes boring, lonely almost. Of course that was until he found a small dirt path leading through the overgrown bushes on one side of the castle garden. 

[Tommy's POV]

The blonde pushed the leaves aside, ducking down as he walked through the narrow gap. He lifted his head again once he got to the other side. It was a beautiful garden. A large old oak tree was sat humbly in the corner, a swing hanging from one of the branches, flowers covered every inch of the soil apart from the thin dirt path that lead him there, a bench was sat about a few metres from the edge, a small jukebox next to it, the garden was on a cliff giving him the ability to watch the beautiful sunset he loved so much. 

[No one's POV]

Since then that's the only place Tommy went during the day, he would water the flowers, or watch the sun rise, or watch the bees buzz happily as they pollenated each flower. 

[Tommy's POV]

The avian lifted himself onto the swing, resting his head against the rope, this was honestly one of the only places in the castle he enjoyed being in. He was sure no one had discovered his little garden yet, or they had and decided not to bother him seeing how much he enjoyed being there.


Like always.

But, now that he thought about it, Tommy wasn't alone. There was bees and crows who hung out here were with him too. He didn't mind their company, not at all. The boy shut his eyes, letting himself sleep to the sounds of twittering crows and buzzing bees. Prime, when was the last time he had properly slept?

[Techno's POV]

The sun had set about an hour ago and now Wilbur is panicking.  Great. The reason his brother was so panicked was because Tommy hadn't come back to his room yet.

"You don't get it Tech!" His brother snapped, pacing back and forth while biting his finger "He's always back before sunset so he doesn't bother the staff! He told me himself!"

"Wilbur. Chill. I'll go look for him now." The masked prince stated before walking off to find the skinny boy his brother had gotten so attached to.

[Tommy's POV]

Tommy woke up to the sound of rain hitting against grass, the sounds of birds singing was now long gone. The sky was dark, but he didn't know if that was just because of the clouds covering the sun. 

The boy beamed, hurriedly getting off the swing he had been resting on and dashing out from beneath the tree. Rain droplets bounced off his skin, the water began to soak his clothes but he grinned. The avian threw himself against the muddy ground. The last time it rained and he was excited about it was when he had been 6, it was a month before his parents were taken from him.

Tommy screamed as his mother chased him around the field, it was his birthday and he was having the time of his life. His father sat snugly against the oak tree that towered above them all, his mind invested in a book he was reading something about the story of Icarus?  The young boy couldn't quite remember. Small  drops of rain began to hit against him, Tommy squealed and ran to his father under the tree clutching his shoulder. His mother however simply chuckled and span around in the rain, letting her clothes get soaking wet, she extended her arms and kneeled inviting Tommy to come out into the rain with her. "Go on then Toms!" His father encouraged him, nudging him forwards. And he listened. The child ran forwards, right into his mother's arms as the water fell onto his skin. His mother lifted him up, spinning him around in the air.

"There's my little songbird!" She grinned, holding Tommy close to her chest as they span together dancing in the rain.

A cold hand against his shoulder brought him away from the fond memory.


Tommy wasn't 6 anymore, he was 16.

His parents weren't alive anymore, he was an orphan.

He didn't live is the sweet cabin in the woods anymore, he lived in the castle.

"Come on, Wilbur's freaking out." Technoblade instructed him, trying to lift the avian off the ground, only for him to squirm out of his grip.

"I don't care." The blonde replied, his voice was hoarse like he had been screaming for hours.

"You'll get a cold." The prince warned him.

"I'd happily die in this rain." Tommy scoffed, moving his arms up to cover his face.

He felt a thud next to him and peeked over from behind his scarred arms, Techno was sitting there simply not caring his formal clothes were being ruined.

"I'll just stay here with you until you decide to go inside or die, at least you won't die alone if you do eh?" The masked man declared, a small smile tugging at his lips. The boy laughed.

"Alright then." He replied, his once frown turned into a smile.

Maybe Tommy wasn't alone.


chapter 4 done! i know i said i wouldnt be posting any chapters for 2 days but turns out you can have wattpad on your laptop! cool right?

fun fact, this chapter was the reason i wrote this!

also the angst tag will come in handy soon, dont you angst enjoyers like myself worry.

remember to eat and stay hydrated!

word count: 975

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