Alya: Mumma, I am hungry

Jasmin: let's have dinner – she said trying to act normal

They both quietly had dinner and Jasmin put Alya to sleep in their bedroom as they both planned to sleep together until Aly returned. After making sure Alya slept Jasmin went to take a warm shower.

Jasmin's p.o.v

As the warm water-drenched down my skin. I tried to calm myself from the constant panic going inside my head. He is back, I soo wished it was a lie but it wasn't and this was very difficult for me to accept. His words were still ringing in my mind.....


Person: so here's the thing, you have to come to me and be mine!!!!

Jasmin are you out of your mind Arijit???

Arijit: no I am not and please for god's sake stop screaming

Jasmin: you know I am Aly's wife and also we have a daughter!!!!! Please Arijit if you ever loved me please let me live a happy life and please get over your madness please – she said joining her hands

Arijit: hay don't join your hands please see I want you happy – he said holding her joined hands

Jasmin: finally – she sighed in relief

Arijit: but then what about my happiness.... I won't be happy, I can't be happy without you Jas!!!! – he said cupping her face forcefully and he was talking like a psychopath

Jasmin: leave me – she said pushing his hand and taking a step back

Arijit got angry because of her pushing so he tightly grabbed her arms and pinned her to the wall behind her with a bang. He caged her between his arms so that she can't escape anywhere.

Arijit: how dare you push me away!!!! – he said angrily

Jasmin: stay away please – she said shivering in fear

Jasmin leaned back on the wall as much as possible. If the wall would have been pushable, she could have moved the wall back for a mile at least.

Arijit: you can sleep with that kidnapper Aly but you have a problem when I touch you!!!! – he said leaning towards her while pressing his teeth's in rage

Jasmin: he is not a kidnapper, he saved me from a monster like you!!!!! I love him ok!!! I love Aly – she said opening her eyes

Arijit: come on, don't be so naive Jasmin. Now just shut up and listen. You have to leave him!!!!

Jasmin: I won't !!!

Arijit: yes you will otherwise I will have to Kill Alya!!!! – he said devilishly

Jasmin: NOOOOO – she said scared

Arijit: I know right, even I don't want to kill her. I mean she is just a kid but if you don't listen then I have no other choice – he said nodding negatively

Jasmin: no please, I will do whatever you say but please don't hurt Alya – she said crying

Arijit: that is like my good girl!!!! – he said smiling

Jasmin: please promise me you won't hurt Alya or even Aly for that matter – she pleaded as tears rolled down her eyes

Arijit: of course babe, anything for you – he said rubbing her tears lustfully with his thumb.

Jasmin just nodded helplessly

Arijit: so listen after Aly is back the very next day I want you in my apartment. And you might be wondering why I said after Aly is back because I don't want Alya to stay home all alone. I mean I am not that ruthless. Also, Aly should think that you went on your own and if I take you today, your daughter will be an eyewitness, which I don't want. I want Aly to be heartbroken!!!!

All this while Jasmin was just caged between Arijit and the wall sobbing on the inside as every word he spoke broke her from inside.

Flashback ends

The very thought of leaving Aly and Alya is breaking me from inside. They are my world, without them, I would be just a lifeless soul. Whatever it is, I have to do this. For Alya, for Aly, for both of them!!!! I know they both would be heartbroken, my baby, Alya she would hate me and Aly.... If he comes to know about this I am sure he won't let me go. No, no, no, Aly should not know about this. I know he will be heartbroken or rather devastated after he learns about me leaving but I am sure he will stay strong for Alya. I have to protect them even if I have to die for that. So with this determination, I closed the shower and changed into my night suit. I walked outside and found Alya sleeping peacefully. The fact that I won't be seeing her like this ever haunted me. I smiled at her cute face as warm tears slowly traveled down my face. I hugged her protectively and a while later I too fell asleep.

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome


till then Bye!!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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