chapter 45

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Hi everyone!!! the next chapter is here.... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as its my first ff please do forgive me if i make any mistakes. Do vote and comment as it encourages me, also suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. please don't kill me for this small update i got busy with my college assignments )///

Aly finished the whole glass in one go as he had never drank before he felt a bit dizzy but his anger was soo much seeing Jasmin in someone else's arm that he crushed the glass with his fist and blood started coming out because of the glass pieces but still all he did was look at Jasmin with anger and jealousy. He kept staring at them for a while but this was it for Aly and he angrily walked up to Jasmin and snatched her from Zain

Jasmin: hay? What are you doing – she said looking at Aly but she wasn't able to recognize because she was drunk and confused

Aly didn't utter a word and dragged her out of the pub while Jasmin kept blabbering

All these while a pair of eyes quietly kept an eye on both Jasmin and Aly from the time they had entered the pub , the person watched the whole drama going on and smiled devilishly.

Aly drove back home and carried Jasmin in his arms as she fell asleep in the car itself. They entered their flat and Aly put Jasmin in the bed carefully. Aly was also felling dizzy too by the time and he slept on the couch while his hand was still bleeding

Next morning,

Aly was still asleep when Jasmin woke up with an acute headache

Jasmin: ouch!!! Why does my heart hurt – she said holding her head

Jasmin sat up on the bed and looked around finding no traces of Aly around finally she found him sleeping on the couch. She started admiring him lovingly until her eyes fell on his hand that was stained with blood. She ran to him

Jasmin: Aly, Aly wake up what happened to your hand ? – she said worriedly inspecting his hand

Jasmin: Aly, what happened last night please wake up – she said almost being on the verge of tears

Aly slowly opened his eyes but when he saw her almost crying with an worried face he sat up with a jerk

Aly: Jasmin, are you alright? – he asked concerned

Jasmin: you tell me what happened

Aly: me? – he asked confused

Jasmin: yes , tell me how did you get this huge cut? – she said taking his hand on her lap

Aly saw the cut and was himself astonished and then he remembered about yesterday night

Aly: yesterday by mistake a glass broke from my hand maybe then I had injured myself – he lied to her

Jasmin: how come you didn't notice? And why didn't you tell me – she questioned

Aly: really? – he grew furious with this as he again recollecting about all the incidents of yesterdays that how Jasmin and Zain were dancing , enjoying and drinking 

that's it for today guys!!!

i will try my best to update one more part today.....

please do vote and comment, also suggestions are always welcome

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

LOVE AND REVENGEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora