chapter 30

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Hi everyone!!! the next chapter is here.... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as its my first ff please forgive me if i make any mistakes also please do vote and comment as it really encourages me, suggestions are always welcome.....happy reading!!!!

/////(p.s. comment down your views on this chapter)//////

Aly: you are still struck at it?

Jasmin: I was never over it – she said rudely

Aly: OK fine – he made a puppy face and went to wash the dishes

Jasmin giggled as soon as he was out of the sight....

Aly: stop laughing – he shouted from the kitchen annoyed

Jasmin laughed out even louder and continued watching TV

After finishing all the dishes Aly came out and what he saw made him smile

Aly: this girl is made , how can someone fall asleep on the sofa that too so uncomfortably

Aly turned off the TV and picked her up in bridal style making sure she doesn't wake up and walks to their bedroom. He puts her down carefully and covers her with the devout and sits beside her resting his back on the headboard and starts reading a book as he was not feeling sleepy

Late at night Aly's sleep brakes as he hears soft sobbing. He looks only to find Jasmin sleep talking

Jasmin (in sleep): how can you do this to me..... . – she said still sobbing

Aly: Jasmin!!! Is everything alright!!!! – he said shaking her a little

Jasmin (in sleep): I wish you were never a part of my life – she mumbled softly still sobbing

Aly: its just a dream please don't cry – he said pulling her close

Jasmin(in sleep): no .... I will not go with you – she said pushing Aly's hand

Aly : shuuu!!! No one will take you I am here... . – he said slowly patting her head

After a while Jasmin stopped mumbling and snuggled into him and slept again

Aly's p.o.v

I woke up with a jerk as I heard slow sobbing sound and as I looked she was sleep taking. I tried waking her up but then she cried more. I carefully tried to hear what she was saying and it seemed like she was talking about someone. I tried pulling her close but she pushed my hand and then she said that she doesn't want to go...that means whomever she is dreaming about it forcefully trying to take her, she started panicking. Somehow I calmed her down and made her sleep peacefully. Once she was asleep she snuggled into me more . I was lying beside her looking up at the ceiling and wondered if she was taking about that same someone in her dreams whom she was being sad about in the flight. Quickly I moved my gaze at her only to find a tear top running down her eyes, swiping off her tear I adored her face and again started gazing the ceiling thinking about what might be that someone. I felt anxious with the thought that someone from her past made her cry and also tried to forcefully take her somewhere even soo that she is even scared in her dreams. It was stressful for me even to think what might be the reason behind and soon I drifted off to sleep to

Next morning.....

Aly woke up and didn't find Jasmin beside him. He sat up all most instantly

Aly: Jasmin – he almost screamed with all his force

Jasmin came running as she heard him scream

Jasmin: what happened ? are you alright? Did you get hurt? – she asked horrified checking his hands and face

Aly: where were you? – he asked a bit angrily

Jasmin: I was preparing breakfast

Aly: so early? – he questioned a bit amused

Jasmin: Mr. sleepyhead its almost 11 – she said pointing at the table clock

Aly smiled sheepishly as he checked the time

Jasmin: now freshen up breakfast is almost ready – she said running back to the kitchen when Aly held her hand

Aly: wait.... Are you fine? – he said concerned

Jasmin: o shoot!!!!...... My sandwich will burn.... Bye – she said and hurriedly left for the kitchen

Aly : seriously she choose sandwich over me – he said to himself with a disbelieving expression and left to freshen up

In the dining area,

Jasmin was arranging the breakfast on the table when Aly came, both settled down when Aly started smelling something in the air......

that's it for today guys!!!!

 sorry for uploading a bit late actually i am having my internals i hope you all understand and also sorry for a short chapter......

do vote and comment your views and i know this chapter might not be a satisfying one as i just wrote it and did not get any time to re think and make it better i promise to make it up to you guys once my internals are done

i will post the next part again tomorrow!!!!

till then bye

JasLy Lovers.

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