chapter 65

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Hi everyone!!!! the next part of Love and Revenge is here...... i hope i don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s. comment your views for this chapter and do check out the ff " Like those foreign stars" by jasly2831  )///

Jasmin: it was Zain

Aly: and you think him to be a sweetheart? And he saved your day???? – he asked grunting his teeth bitterly. Jasmin sensed his maliciousness

Jasmin: yes!!! Why? – she said guilty-free

Aly: nothing – he said as his heart ached

Aly quietly lied down on the bed facing his back at her. Jasmin understood that Aly got hurt and she instantly regraded about it.

Jasmin: I was talking to Zain. Don't you want to know why?

Aly: no – he said as if he wasn't interested to know but in reality he desperately wanted to know the reason

Jasmin: I called him to ask if he could pick up Alya's cake and he said he can bring the cake from the bakery shop

Aly: Alya's cake? Wasn't the bakery shop supposed to deliver the cake to our house directly? – he asked sitting up

Jasmin: yes but they called me just now and informed me that due to some reasons they can't deliver it so they asked us to pick it up and as Zain's house is on the way so I told him to pick it up on our behalf

Aly: I could have picked it up

Jasmin: no!!!! I will need you here to attend the guest and look after the catering services

Aly: at least then I could have been a sweetheart for you – he said hurtfully

Jasmin: aww!!! You are already my heart – she said kissing his right cheek lovingly

Aly: hmm – he was still upset. Jasmin thought to cheer him up

Jasmin: by the way get ready to lose the challenge

Aly: I am not losing anything!!!! It's you who will lose

Jasmin: whatever!!! – she said confidently

It was evening time

Aly was wearing a deep blue suit that he had bought color coordinating with Jasmin's blue gown. He was adjusting his hairs. Jasmin entered the room hurriedly

Aly: what? You aren't yet ready???

Jasmin: I was making Alya ready!!!

Aly: where is that Rohan?

Jasmin: Sonia took him home

Aly: ahh!!! Finally – he exclaimed

Jasmin: don't worry Rohan will be here at the party with his parents

Aly: you should better get ready for the party – he said casually changing the topic

Jasmin: yup I am just going in the mean time you go down and see if everything is ready

Aly: ok but don't get too long the guests will be arriving in an hour

Jasmin: yah I know

Saying this Jasmin went to change and Aly came downstairs to cheek all the party arrangements.

The party theme was purple and silver. The hall was decorated with balloons ,ribbons and fairy lights. In the adjoining wall a table was decorated for the cake cutting to take place and just on the wall behind "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYA" was written with silver letters . on the other end of the hall were buffet stalls being set up by the catering services. There were around six to seven round tables each containing six chairs for the guests to sit.

Aly started checking out everything carefully and time flew away as fast as they thought and Aly's wrist watch started vibrating.

Aly: it's six now. the guests will start to arrive any time now – he said to himself looking at his watch and turning it off.

Aly exited the hall room and stood near the stairs

Aly: it's six Jasmin!!! Come down with Alya – he shouted

Jasmin: coming. Five minutes!!! – she shouted back

Aly: women and their five minutes – he said turning around and looking straight at the main door just opposite to the stairs

Five minutes pass by and Aly sensed someone coming in through the main door. When the figure finally entered Aly had an unpleasant expression

Aly: Rohan? - he said irritated

Rohan walked in wearing a light pink formal shirt with a black tie neatly knotted, he was wearing a pair of white jeans. Peeping out his shirt pocket was a red rose. His hairs were brushed perfectly unlike any other day.

Rohan: hi uncle – he said smilingly proceeding towards Aly

Aly: where is your mom and dad? Won't they come?

Rohan: they are coming. Where is Alya uncle?

Aly: she is getting ready with her mumma – he said uninterested

Rohan: uncle!! Can I ask you something?

Aly: what? – he said rolling his eyes

Rohan: do I look handsome? – he asked worried

Aly: huh? Why?

Rohan: I want to know uncle

Aly: is this even your age to look handsome?

Rohan: but mom said I look handsome!!!

Aly: fine... you do look handsome – he said to avoid any more conversation

Rohan stepped aside and looked behind Aly

Rohan: hay, Alya!!! – he said excitedly

Alya: hi Rohan – she said coming down with Jasmin

Aly turned around and looked up at the stairs. Aly saw Alya coming down the stairs wearing a pick frock along with Jasmin who was wearing the blue off shoulder body fitting gown that Aly had gifted her.

that's it for today guys!!!!

do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.....

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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