chapter 81

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter of Love and Revenge is here........i hope i don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome.......happy reading!!!!

///(p.s. my semester exam starts around 9th august!!!! god i have no preparation!!!)///

Jasmin: feeling better hubby? – she asked caring

Aly: hmm

They parted from the hug.

Jasmin: it's lunch time now go upstairs and change and come down quickly. I will arrange the table by then.

Aly came down after changing and sat down beside Jasmin on the dining table

Jasmin served him and herself and began eating her food in between she looked up at Aly and found him playing with his spoon. He didn't have a bite of the food.

Jasmin: what happened? Why aren't you eating?

Aly: I don't feel like

Jasmin stopped eating and moved her chair close to Aly's and took his plate in front of her

Aly: what are you doing?

Jasmin mixed a portion of rice and gravy with her own hands and forwarded a her hand to feed him

Aly opened his mouth and Jasmin fed him with her own hands.

Jasmin: that's like a good boy – she said smiling

Aly: I am not a boy I am your hubby – he said repulsively

Jasmin: yes you are my boy my cute, sweet, angry boy

Aly: umm – he made a face but Jasmin fed him another bite

She continued feeding him and Aly quietly ate. Aly noticed her cheeks getting crimson and she was smilingly lightly

Aly: why are you blushing and smiling?

Jasmin: nothing.....nothing – she said blushing more

Aly: something is there....tell me

Jasmin: I was remembering the first time I fed you with my hands.

Aly: because I forced you to feed me

Jasmin: yah right!!! and here I am feeding you willingly with love

Aly: I did bite your finger too

Jasmin: and then you only bandaged it but you know that moment is understood you are not from heart.

Aly: I was never bad – he said and Jasmin eyed him unbelievingly

Jasmin: yah right, now finish your food fast I will have to go and bring Alya it's about time

Aly: you stay home I will go to pick Alya

Jasmin: it's ok you take rest I will go

Aly: let's go together then. I am sure Alya will be surprise

Jasmin: ok then Let's go!!!

They got ready and left in their car to pick Alya

In Jail

Person1: did you deliver the photos?

Person2: yes I did

Person1: one a few days more and then I will be out of this jail

Person2: yes sir

Person1: my dad died in jail because of no medication and now they will pay it with their blood

Person2: will you kill her?

Person1: nah!!! Death is too easy, living with the pain is more difficult and I will made her go through hell

Person2: I will keep a watch on their daily schedule until you are out

Person1: yes and once I am out we will execute our big plan that will destroy all their happiness. – he said laughing out loud 

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment, suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next chapter again tomorrow......

till then bye!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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