chapter 35

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Hi everyone!!!! SURPRISE...... the next chapter is here..... i hope i don't disappoint anyone as its my first ff please do vote and comment as it really encourages me also suggestions are always welcome.......happy reading!!!!

////(p.s. this is a small chapter...... do comment your views!!!!)//////

Aly: bring a burger, a wrap with extra cheese and sauce , mushroom pasta and a medium size veg delight pizza

Jasmin: please add extra olives in the mushroom pasta – she said smiling at the waiter

Waiter: sure mam, anything else

Jasmin: and a coke too

Waiter: OK mam, your order will be served shortly – he left

Aly: seriously? Coke?

Jasmin: yes

Aly just looked at her dumbfound. Soon their order arrived. Jasmin attacked the food by taking a huge bite of the burger and sipping the coke

Aly: slow down, this is no competition – he said taking a bite from his pizza

Jasmin: I am hungry – she said taking a spoonful of pasta in her mouth

Aly just nodded his head in disbelieve and continued eating

Jasmin took a slice from his pizza and started eating, Aly didn't say anything and he also took the spoon and was about to take some pasta when Jasmin interrupted

Jasmin: hay! That's my food – she said stopping him

Aly: I was just taking a bite

Jasmin: you should ask me first!!! – she said demanding

Aly: says who just took a slice of my pizza without asking – he stated

Jasmin: you never said the pizza was only for you – she said finishing her wrap

Aly: but you have so many options already still you want my pizza but can't I have from yours

Jasmin: fine just a spoon OK ! – she said warning

Aly: fine – he said taking a spoon of pasta

They finished their food and headed back to their home.

Back in India.....

Arijit: dad why didn't you tell me that Jasmin and his kidnapper already left the country – he said screaming

Mr Taneja: I might have forgotten – he said reading an important business file

Arijit: what's more important that me? – he said snatching the file from his dad and throwing in on the floor

Mr Taneja: enough! Don't cross your limits now – he said scolding

Arijit: you are not doing anything – he snapped

Mr Taneja: they are in ..... – he was cut in between by Arijit

Arijit: London !!! I know – he said casually

Mr Taneja: they are in Wales – he said smiling

Arijit: they took a flight to London, no way they are in Wales – he asked

Mr Taneja: they took a train to Wales from London so that we can't trace them.

Arijit: then how did you? – he asked alarmed

Mr Taneja: I can do anything my son – he said giving a sinful smile

Arijit: so when are we leaving for Wales?

Mr Taneja: not "we" only you are going there alone

Arijit: OK, when? – he interrogated

Mr Taneja: after two days and I will give you details about the plan and for god's sake do as I say – he said patting his shoulders

that's it for today guys!!!!!

i hope you all liked my surprise.....

i will post the next part again tomorrow....

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers. 

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