chapter 25

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Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as it's my ff please do forgive me if i make any mistakes. Also do vote and comment as it really encourages me, suggestions are always welcome.....Happy Reading!!!!!!!

/////(p.s. after all your lovely suggestions i have made up a  story line for the upcoming chapters... do let me know if you all like it)//////

He started tickling her , she jerked off and tried stopping him....

Jasmin: stop stop.... . – she said giggling

Aly: no – he said tickling more

Their positions were like , Aly almost climbed on her and locked her legs with his so that she doesn't escapes from the tickling.

After almost 10 minutes of Jasmin's begging and Aly's tickling they stopped...

Jasmin: enough let's get ready – she said still giggling

Aly: I won't leave until you wake up – he said tickling again

Jasmin: fine I will wake up now – she said still laughing

Aly left her

Aly: now wake up – he said smiling

Jasmin: first get off me – she looking at their interlocked legs

Aly quickly got up making sure not to make it an awkward situation

Aly: get ready – he said getting up from the bed

Soon they left for the airport and checked in....

Aly: lets go our flight has been announced – he said arranging their passports and tickets

Jasmin: where did you get my passport – she asked confused

Aly: it's a new one for you

Jasmin: so soon!!! How?

Aly: I can do anything – he said winking

They soon boarded the plane. After hearing the announcement that it's a plane to London Jasmin was super happy

Jasmin: yay!!!! – she jumped in happiness

All the passengers started looking at her

Aly: we are extremely sorry – he said apologizing to all

Aly turned around to see Jasmin sitting and smiling sheepishly

Aly: what was that...

Jasmin: excitement – she said smiling widely

Aly: behave yourself – he said showing fake anger.

Jasmin ignored him and started looking out of the the plane too off

Jasmin's p.o.v

As the flight took off I looked out of the window , soon the land disappeared and all I could see was clouds. I wasn't excited at all but I just choose not to show my sorrow to anyone. Honestly whenever I think about what my dad did I feel like my whole life's a joke right now.  i wondered if he really is my own dad or not, I feel more safe with him right now. As I thought about him automatically my lips were smiling. I kept looking out as I felt him continuously gazing me. My heart felt happy but my mind was still clouded with my dad's betrayal.

Aly's p.o.v

Sometimes I wonder weather this girl is even out of her teenager phase, she acts like kids. I mean who jumps up in excitement hearing a plane announcement. I feel like I am married to a 12 years kid "don't forget marrying her was your own choice" my consciousness slammed me. Whatever, I am not complaining about it. I could sense that something is bothering her as she kept looking out of the window with a straight face , I was about to ask her when I saw her smiling. Maybe she is thinking about something.... " or someone special" my mind spoke up again. Not possible I thought as I already asked her she doesn't have feelings for anyone.... "why will she tell you even if she feels for someone?" my mind questioned back because I am her husband ..... " forced husband" my mind answered mocking me. With this I felt a bit hurt that what if my mind's right. I looked away from her and concentrated on the magazine I was holding, it was difficult for me to concentrate as my mind was occupied by what she might be thinking and smiling about

Both were lost in each other's thoughts , the only difference was Jasmin was happy thinking about him and Aly was sad thinking about her.

The plane landed and they checked out of the airport. Aly called for a cab that directly took them to the railway station.

Aly: our train will be hear within an you want to eat something

Jasmin: yes!!! I am super hungry – she exclaimed

Aly took Jasmin to a nearby café and ordered some snacks and coffee

Aly: can I ask you something?

Jasmin: yes tell me – she said stuffing her mouth of a big piece of chocolate cake

Aly: back at the flight was something bothering you? – he asked closely reading her every facial expression

Jasmin paused for a moment and quickly chewed down the cake to speak

Jasmin: why do you think so?

Aly: you were blankly looking outside the window first and when I was about to ask , you started smiling suddenly!!! – he said making sure every word is clear to her

Jasmin: I was remembering someone from my past.... Someone I want to forget – she said being sad

Aly: what? – he asked being horrified

Jasmin: yes... I wish he was never a part of my life – she said as a teardrop rolled down her eyes, she quickly rubbed it

Aly's p.o.v

Is she serious right now? a few days back when I asked her if she has feelings for anyone she said that no she doesn't feel for anyone , not even her that stupid best friend and now she is telling me all these.... " I told you she was hiding it from you" my mind mocked but.... I paused as I heard her say that she wished that person was never a part of her life... " she also mentioned that someone is a he" my mind highlighted. My heart shank as if its being pulled down by a rock. I did all the possible calculations I could to try and figure out who it might me but I was unable to track down who the hell that " someone" was that she was talking about. My frustration and anger grew as I felt a sudden betrayal

Aly felt heartbroken and angry at the same time but he did not say anything and inattentively took a sip on his coffee and cried out in pain

that's it for today guys!!!!!

i hope you all liked this chapter.... also thanks to each and everyone for yours precious suggestions it really helped me a lot....

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow.........

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers 

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