chapter 84

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Hi everyone!!!!! the next chapter of Love and Revenge is here........i hope i don't disappoint anyone. please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome......happy reading!!!!!

///(p.s.  i won't be uploading any chapters next whole weak as i have my semesters)///

A few days passed by.......

It was a normal day

Alya and Rohan were at school. Aly was at home today along with Jasmin

Aly: I will go and bring Alya from school now

Jasmin: Rohan will also return with you today

Aly: yes I know – he grabbed the car keys and left to pick up the kids from school

Aly went inside the school and stood on the dispersal ground waiting for Alya and Rohan when he noticed a few kids standing at a distance in a circle formation. A few other parents were also looking at them but none of them went near them. Aly was waiting for a while now but Alya and Rohan were no where to be traced so he decided to check the kinds who were standing in a circle. Aly went near the crowd and just then Alya came running towards him

Alya: dada... . – she ran like a bullet train towards Aly

Aly: princess what are you doing here?

Alya: dada come fast, save Rohan fast...... . – she said hurriedly and pulled Aly towards the crowd

Aly: Rohan? What did he do now!!!!!

Alya: stop that boy and save Rohan – she said intensely

Aly moved his gaze towards the crowd and saw a boy , maybe a class order that Rohan's is beating him and Rohan is trying soo very hard to hit him back. Other kids were just standing and watching the drama.

Aly: hey, back off kids – he said in his heavy voice and all the spectators ran away. Rohan and that other kid just stood there

Rohan's elbows were injured and his forehead was bleeding a bit

Aly: you kid what's your name and why are you hitting Rohan? – he asked angrily

Boy: I am Zack and Rohan started this – he replied back straight

Aly: Zack huh!!! Don't you think your attitude is a lot too much compared to your age? – he snapped back

Zack: I will see you some other day!!!! – he glared at Rohan and ran away before Aly could say anything more

Aly: wait you little piece of shit – he roared back at Zack but he just ran away without looking back

Alya: Dada language!!!! – she said looking around as a few parents were looking at Aly with amazement

Aly: let's go to our car and we will discuss this matter!!!!! – he ordered and Rohan and Alya just quietly followed him.

They three sat inside the car and Aly turned towards them

Aly: what was happening back there?

Alya: Zack was beating Rohan

Aly: he wasn't beating Rohan for nothing right!!!! tell me what actually happened

Alya: Rohan was protecting me !!!!!

Aly: protecting you?????

Alya: yes, I and Rohan were running towards the dispersal ground and suddenly the guy bumped ito me and we both fell down. Then Rohan helped me up. Just then that guy stood up and told me to say sorry and I said I won't because it's his fault but then he pushed me and I fell again so Rohan pushed his too and he also fell on the ground

Rohan: you only tell uncle didn't I do the right thing? 

that's it for today guys!!!!

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow

till then bye!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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