All you had to do was ask. And Peanut butter? Really Clint.

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Tony's POV:

What. The. Fuck. Maybe I am just tired but if I was tired I would be waking up in my work chair in my workshop and not covered in a crap ton of rainbow glitter. Do I hate that the glitter is rainbow colors? No. No I don't. I embrace my gay side cause I am fucking fabulous. It's the fact that it's in my workshop on all of my hard worked on projects. Maybe it's also the fact that I haven't slept in four days and am so done with Clint's shit. So currently, I have him and Nat tied up and suspended over the pool in front of a guilty looking team.

Tony: "Someone better tell me why Clint threw 6 glitter bombs at me screaming "Peanut butter". And why was Nat trying to kill him? I got bombed too, you know. I don't have the time for this shit, I am too tired and I don't have time to clean up all this crap. The amount of glitter that got in places I don't want to even mention is insane. Also the amount that probably got in my new gadgets is more than I would like."

Pietro: "Okay I'm just gonna say it, we wanted to know who you were talking to on your phone. *Wanda smacks him over the head* Ow! I was just telling him the truth! He's gonna find out anyway."

Steve: "Pedro is right. Sorry Tony, we wanted to know who you were texting"

Tony: * raises eyebrows * "Is that all?"

*Team looks confused at one another*

Steve: "Yes? That's all we wanted to know. What other reason would we have?"

Tony: *Blinks unimpressed* "For things like this there is a thing called asking? Like all you had to do was ask and if I deemed it necessary I would have showed you. I'm entitled to my privacy you know. Also Clint peanut butter really?"

Clint: *gapes at tony* "That is the best war cry in the history of mankind"

Tony: *sigh* "Whatever, I'll show you guys later. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna shower and clean up my lab. Oh and someone help Clint down cause Nat got out already."

Wanda: "So all we had to do was ask. Well that was anticlimactic. I'm gonna go back to reading now."

*The avengers all leave the pool area*

Clint: "Um guys? Hello? A little help? Nat? Steve? Thor? Bruce? Loki??"

Loki: "No, you dirty mortal." * Walks out of pool area *

Clint: "Author-San?"

(Author: *sigh* Clint- never mind)

I am sorry this is so late..... I have nothing to say for myself except that I am sorry.

(450 words)

Thank you psycho spiders... Don't kill me.

- Author-san

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