Saying that today was okay, is an understatement.

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I know the pic doesn't match the story but.... Dude got fucking upped right there. Like that's what you get for picking on the Alphabet Mafia.

Peter: Hi Mr. Anthony.

Mr. Anthony is online

Mr. Anthony: Hey Kid. What's up?

Peter: Nothing much. But I had the coolest day ever!

Mr. Anthony: Really. What about it was so cool?

Peter: Our school is letting us try to get internships at SI!!!!!! I was excited cause who wouldn't be and TONY STARK!!!!!!

*Tony smiles at Peter talking about SI but frowns at the Tony Stark part. His insecurity of his past coming to the surface of his mind*

Mr. Anthony: Why would you like Tony Stark didn't he drink and do a lot of dangerously stupid things back then?? He put a lot of innocent people in harms way multiple times, sometimes more than not.

*Peter looked at his phone with a hint of irritation on his face before replying*

Peter: okay rude. One that was all in the past and SOME people have there reasons for doing things like drinking, and he changed. All though I am not saying it's right.

Two he's not the same guy he was before. He really got his life together. He stopped doing relatively dangerous things and putting people in danger. He can't stop everyone from getting hurt but he and the Avengers are working on it.

Third he got a boyfriend. Who he cares about a lot about and his boyfriend cares about him, and being Doctor Strange he would keep him in check. If Doctor Strange couldn't handle it he would have removed himself from the situation, or at least fixed the problem. That wasn't a nice thing for you to say Mr. Anthony.

*Tony smiles and all previous thoughts were forgotten *

Mr. Anthony: That was a bit rude. I apologize.

Peter: And I shouldn't have lashed out like that sorry.

Mr. Anthony: You're all good.

Peter: On a happier note. I got to meet Doctor Strange!!!!!!! I showed him to my favorite sandwich place called Delmer's and one of the churro stands I go to! And that's not even the best part before he left he promised that he would go to the churro stand with Tony Stark!!!!! Isn't that cool?? I just told one of my idols where to get sandwiches and he thought they were good and now Tony Stark might eat churros from the same stand as me!!!!

*Tony is really surprised. "This means Steph met Peter."*

Mr. Anthony: WOW!! Really?? That's cool kid. But aren't you kinda sad that you don't get to see Tony Stark??

Peter: Nope. As long as he likes my suggestions then I'm all good.

Mr. Anthony: That's cool that you think like that kid.

Peter: Oop. I have to go bye!!

Mr. Anthony: Bye kid.

Read 7:09pm

Mr. Anthony is offline

Peter is offline

(540 words)

See ya little demons later!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

- Author-san

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