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It's now currently Sunday, two days ever since Steven had hung out with Y/n. It was an exciting couple of days. He had just officially made a new friend, he'll be returning back to Little Homeschool as a president again tomorrow, and is meeting Connie today; which he's currently driving for to specifically pick up from the bus.

"Man, to think we haven't met each other in real life in a couple of weeks now. Maybe even close to a full month!" Steven laughed in disbelief as he leaned close to the steering wheel. Smiling as he swayed to his dad's music, joyful and giddy inside. Thanks to the sunny atmosphere the day had given, it felt like the songs shone and ringed better in his ears.

"Hope I got the right bus stop to pick her up on- I wasn't really listening and zoned out once I heard she was coming over." He chuckled the thought off as he turned right. "Only ended up listening at the end where she said that she'll be at the bus stop." He mumbled as he neared the, hopefully, correct area.

Parking close, he looks over to the small group that patiently waited for their ride, yet still seeing no Connie in sight. Sharply inhaling through his teeth, he takes out his phone. "Did I actually get the wrong stop?" He went through his contacts and opened his favorites

Tapping on Connie's profile and pressing the call button, he places the phone close to his ear as he relaxed in his seat.

After ringing for a couple of seconds, she picked up.

"Steven? What's up?" Connie answered.

Chuckling nervously, he responded, "Uh- are you here yet? Cause if you are- then I might've went to the wrong stop and uh- dunno where I'm meant to meet you." He clears his throat.

No reply was given immediately, and Connie's silence, only scared him.

"No, I'm not there yet," Connie chuckled as she spoke out of the blue, well aware of how nervous Steven gotten in that silence.

"And my bus will stop at the one nearby Lars's new bakery." She added as Steven released a sigh of relief.

Looking around his surroundings, he caught sight of Lars's little pastry store, telling Steven that he was at the right area.

"Oh this is great! I got the right place!"

"Good job Steven!" Connie cheered along. "For someone who's got the smarts to be a president, it's surprising the amount of space that brain of yours has." She teased.

"Hey! I just got excited at the fact that you were coming over for the next few days! I couldn't help but zone out and think of things we could do together!" Steven reasoned, trying to defend his pride.

"Alright Mr," The female sighed. "I'll be there in around 20-30 minutes; I just got on the bus a few minutes ago. Keep yourself busy until then!"

"Great! I'll go ahead and check out how Lars is doing and get you a tiny snack and drink." Steven smiled through the phone.

"Sounds great, see ya later Steven!" Connie took the final word and hung up as soon as she finished.

Putting his phone away and taking his bag, he exits the car and locks it before walking out for his friend. Looking around the stranded, yet cramped stores and restaurants, it didn't take him long to meet the teal windowed door. Pushing it open, a little ding from a bell following, he looks around the area that was filled with delicious looking sweets, the aroma of the freshly baked goods making him rethink about his diet.

As he looked over the glass covered pasteries, a voice walks in from behind the counter. "Welcome to Spacetries, how can I hel- Oh! Sup Steven!" Lars's gains the boy's attention.

Let Me Show You || Steven Universe x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora