Finding Her Again + Note

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So dumb past me didn't think at all whatsoever where this currently takes place in the canon plot. >-> And this is where he had already quitted working at Little Homeschool- but at the same time it isn't where all those traumatic experiences- yet?

So to fix this, lets just say during working there way back (before the series started) the gems had realized his bad sleep schedule, and overworking himself, they told him to take a small break from working then he could go back if he wanted to. I dunno, think whatever of it, or don't think about it at all. :P


『•• 3 Days Later ••』

Hand pressing against his cheek as he lazily tapped the form for new students registrations with a pen, his eyes slowly drift out to the open windowsill. He watched the swaying shoreline and the nearby dock full of small boats. Tiny figures and silhouettes of gems and humans passed by before disappearing behind the rocky form of the cliff. And if you were to listen closely you might even hear the delicate notes of an ice-cream truck nearby.

Snapping away from his trance, his view falls back down to the scoured sheets of paper, and in a matter of seconds his face lost it's sense of peace. The forms weren't even that hard. They made it easy for gems that didn't understand anything created by humans, and for him who didn't understand anything about business. His problem was probably the interest to keep going, seeing how he already filled out 32 sheets. Seeing no change or motivation happening whatsoever, plus how his coffee had gone cold, he places down the pen and pushes force onto the desk with his hand, pushing his chair and his body back and forth depending on the pressure.

"Even though they asked to give me a break from taking care of Little Homeschool, it's kinda disappointing to know that I still have to work with student registrations and stuff." He sighed as he lets his head hang backwards and over the chair. "But what do you expect from the person who formed it."

Letting go of the desk and his seat falling back to the steady ground, he continued to watch the ceiling with a high pitched ringing echoing throughout his head, probably caused by the lonesome silence. Just because he asked for a break from the gem-school doesn't mean the other gems could. They were teachers, it wouldn't be as easy to ask such a thing, unlike him. Plus, they seemed to really enjoy helping their own kind.

Feeling the boredom and the possibility of over thinking kick in, he sighs and pushes himself up to his feet, taking the mug along with him. "I need a break-" He chunters as he heads his way downstairs.

Gently placing the cup inside the microwave and pressing a few buttons, the warm orange light illuminates from within and slowly heats the coffee once more.

Throughout that whole time, Steven was in his own universe. Staring blankly into nothing and ears muffled out any sound coming from reality.

they expect me to be all- big

his words repeated from days before ringed in his head, over lapping with the voice of a familiar other;

I'm-I'm not all strong!

Her words echoed.

and mighty

His list continued.

Or full of knowledge!

So did hers.

-with the wit of a diamond gem.

Or give the best sincere emotions!

Steven bit the insides of his cheek as he had just realised the similarities.

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