Silent Treatment

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"So what do you think are the chances of Steven choosing to stay as her friend?" Amethyst questioned as the only dumb one.

Although all three of them decided to mention their future problems to Steven, they decided to stay in Garnet's room a little while longer to assess their plans of safety just in case he refuses the separation.

"Near to 15% at most." Pearl answered as she knocks her head to the side with a finger wrapped around her unnatural white lips.

"I agree," Garnet nods as they glanced towards the slim Pearl. "Steven cares too much about everyone, and if he realizes that they are in any threat whatsoever and he's involved, you know for sure that he'll push them away." They looked down onto the purple Amethyst as they explained.

"But he tried that once with Connie and he failed cause she's his close gal-friend." Amethyst returned.

The other two nodded along to her words, Pearl's expression slightly scrunched in confusion as she tried to configure what 'gal' meant.

"Then that leads to around 45%," Pearl updated as she traveled her hands down to her waist.

"Lower it a tad." Garnet soon replies. "He's only encountered her three times, I don't think he would cling himself dearly to someone he's barely met and known." Garnet reasons.

"Well," Pearl pauses as she looks between the two. "That leads to 37%. No other reasons identified?" She questioned, irritated at the feeling that she was being used like some sort calculator.

Both shaking their heads side to side, the three stood awkwardly in silence.

Suddenly, the doorbell from the entrance of the beach house rang. Heads jolting up to the sound, the three walk out the room, questioning why someone had come even though they expected no visitors.

Steven had already reached the door, phone in hand and door wide open. Thanks to his figure, the person he seemed to interact with, was covered. No other voices were heard, so they couldn't exactly tell who it was.

"Steven?" Pearl called.

The boy flinched to her voice and as if it was reflex, he quickly turns around and slams the screen door shut behind him. Pushing his back roughly to its surface as he sends a panicked smile.

"Heeey! Sorry- I had to deal with the stranger outside! They just got lost." A metaphorical bead of sweat rolls down his face as he waves his hand dismissively.

Again, the doorbell rang, silencing him as his mentality screamed louder. The four stood in an eerie situation, as Pearl and Amethyst looked at him in suspicion, for Garnet you couldn't really tell.

Repetitive knocking quickly followed after the ring, and the gems doubt grew. Eyes looking as far back as he could, he found the stranger grinning at him mischievously, knowing that he now had a slimmer chance getting out of this situation.

"Alright kid, out the way." Amethyst sighs as she closes the distance between them.

"NO! I mean- no need. I guess they just didn't understand my instructions and came back to ask! Haha- they did seem quiet old- and uh- frail." He made a quick excuse, voice filled with sarcastic behavior as he rolled his eyes. Two of the most obvious ticks everyone close to him knows.

His stance grows wider making himself a full barricade between the unexpected visitor and Amethyst.

Amethyst, being the persistent one, grows impatient at his weird act. Closing the distance between him and her, she steps to the side to get an angle of the one he was hiding, but he only mimicked her movements and continued to block her view.

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