"Mystery Girl"

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Annoying and repetitive beeping filled the quiet beach house. Even if it was a house filled of three gems (technically four) and a half human and half gem, it was rather quiet. Maybe that's because it's crudding 7:30 AM.

Reaching over lazily to the alarm clock and pressing the stop button gently, a teenage sized boy lays awake on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he felt another session of an existential crisis.

Rising from his soft pillow and blanket, he stretches his arms and hands up in the air, popping a few stiff spots or so. When he finished, he slides down to the wooden floor boards. "Alright, 7:30 AM. Might as well start to get rea-" He looks around his familiar surroundings, until he got caught off with the sight of Garnet, a fusion gem, looking out the view outside of the newly built porch from his room.

"Steven you should be sleeping." Her monotone voice reached his ears.

"But I just got off of bed." He scratched the back of his head. "Good morning by the way." He added.

"Morning, hope you got better sleep." She simply spoke before she turns towards him. "You have nothing to do don't you? No more gem school to take care of, you might as well take the break you asked for." She walks towards him, guiding him down to his bed.

Sighing and sliding his fingers through his curly hair, he nods. "I know I'm supposed to. But I feel like I can't do anything but work. I can't do anything about the waking up bit either, I'm used to the old hefty schedule." He looks towards the side, other hand tracing over his tired eye bags underneath his eyes.

"We can work on the last bit right now." She sits beside him, rubbing his back as a sense of comfort.

"How?" He looks over intrigued.

Garnet reaching over for the alarm clock on the bedside table and standing back up to the porch, she stares down at the interesting object.

"Oh are you gonna change the alarm?" He stands and follows her up to the porch. "Wait lemme show you ho-" Before he could even finish, he gets shocked by the sudden action of her throwing the thing across the whole ocean. "Ah-AH! MY ALARM CLOCK!" He races after it but was stopped right out to the railing, seeing no hope for it to ever return.

"There, now you can't force yourself to wake up so early because of the chains of the alarm clock are now gone, by me, your favorite." She crosses her arms with a blank expression, but Steven knew full well how she was brimming in pride.

He looks out to the view for a few seconds before turning around and chuckling lightly. "Yeah. I guess that's a start, and you know that I equally love you all." He walks past her and heads down the stairs.

Reaching up the cupboards for his box of cereal without struggle (unlike the old times where he had to climb a stepping stool). He reaches for a bowl and makes one of the best breakfast beverages and meals, cereal in milk.

Taking a spoon full into his mouth, he spoke: "But since I woke up so early I now have more time to think about wasting." He looks up to the ceiling, trying to think of some activities he could do for the day.

"You can always check up on the town. You haven't checked up on anyone for a long time now." Garnet points towards the general direction of the area with her thumb.

"Yeah- like I can. Everyone is living their lives, I don't want to intrude on it." He frowned as he takes another scoop.

"Well I'm sure new people live there now, how bout you make some new friends?" She suggests.

"Talk to other people and make them my friends? Garnet, isn't that replacing people?"

"No, it's called 'adding them to the group'" She smiled, tapping his nose lightly as she watched him get taken away from his thoughts. "boop"

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