"They didn't waste any time, did they?" He couldn't resist commenting.

Turning her head, Caroline took notice of the two wolves.

"Let's just get today over with." She was about to waln off when her phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" She answered. "What do you mean you can't make it?!" She practically shouted at the poor device in her hands.
"You're where?! In the hospital?! Because of a lab explosion?! Listen here you little rat-"

Klaus yanked the phone out of her hands and hung up before she could insult the poor guy on the other end any further.

"Now, what was that all about, love?" He asked patiently, trying to calm her down.

"The guy I got to be Ashley's escort was involved in a lab explosion at the place where he worked. So... now she has no date and no replacement, that's just great!" Caroline shook her head in frustration.

"What do you mean Ashley's date? Didn't she compete last year?" Klaus questioned, confused.

"No! That's the point. She couldn't go last year because of a scheduling conflict with an exam. I barely convinced the council to let her b-" She trailed off as realization struck her,

"I wonder if..." She glanced at Klaus hopefully.

"Absolutley not!" He stated, catching on to her idea.

"C'mon Klaus! All you have to do is some fancy dancing, a little etiquette, and you'll be fine!" She tried convincing him.

"No. I refuse. Ashley will stab me if I even touch her." He flat-out refused.

"I'm the one that picked out her dress! I know for a fact that she can't have any knives stashed away, so there's nothing to be scared of! Please? For me?" Caroline gave him puppy-dog eyes, and like the weak-kneed simp he is, he gave in.


She squealed in excitement and ran off to announce the girls.

A minute later, Caroline walked up on the stage and spoke into the microphone.

"As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court!"

Polite calls rang out across the lawn as she preceded to call out each girl and her escort. There was a bit of a kerfuffle with April Young's escort, but it was resolved quickly with Matt stepping up to help.

"And finally, we have a last minute, but well awaited entry by Ashley Gilbert! Accompanied by Klaus Mikaelson!"

Even louder claps and cheers rang oir from the crowd, and the lady herself walked down the stairs. Spellbound silence was held as she descended. Her hair was braided in a loose ponytail, and her gray dress somehow complimented everything about her.

 Her hair was braided in a loose ponytail, and her gray dress somehow complimented everything about her

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