"If you could kiss anyone at our school, who would it be?" He asked.

    My eyes darted at Aurora.

    "Her," I nodded to her.

    She kept her eyes down to where she was ripping grass out of the ground.

    "Okay well you are not going to," He spat out at me aggressively and I glared at him.

    "Okay well I'm gonna go now," Kylie blurted. "Aurora, truth or dare," She says.

    "Dare," Aurora rolled her eyes while taking another drink.

    "Show us your entire camera roll," Kylie says proudly.

    "Why don't you show us yours, I'm sure you have some nice photos of my boyfriend," She retorted.

    "Don't," Hayden said, getting protective.

    "I'm not showing my entire camera roll, only the 3 most recent," She sighs.

    So she shows a picture I took of her from the time we went to the mall and ate food in the food court, A picture from the day Mylah got her ears pierced and I was giving Aurora a piggyback, and the last one she showed was last night when Mylah fell asleep on me.

    "Now I'm doing," She says annoyingly. " Kylie, truth or dare,"

    "Dare," Kylie smirked.

    "I dare you to tell me what the hell happened between you and my boyfriend, and why the hell yall are so close," Aurora said proudly.

    "I've liked him for years, but I never knew what to do about it, until the friend group was formed. Now he's my best friend," Kylie shrugs.

    "Ya whatever," Aurora says, sounding pissed off now.

    "Hayden, truth or dare," I said.

    "Truth,"Hayden shrugged.

    "What's your favorite thing about Aurora," I asked.

    "Her ass," he chuckled, without even thinking about what he said.

    Fucking asshole.

    "Truth or dare Rylan," Hayden said back to me.

    "Dare," I reply.

    "I dare you to call your mom and tell her I said hi," Hayden smirked.

    I'm going to fucking kill him.

    "Hayden!" Aurora shouted at him.

    "Alright, Sorry dude, I dare you to tell me how you feel about Aurora," He rolls his eyes.

    "Thats none of your fucking business," I said.

    No one said anything after that.

    " Hayden truth or dare," Kylie interrupted the silence.

    "Dare," he replied.

    "I dare you to kiss.. Someone you've been wanting to kiss all night," She smiles.

    Then before she knows it, before any of us know it he's kissing her. All three of us were shocked.

    And I felt anger burn up in me.

    I moved my glare from the two who were now making out and over at Aurora who's drinking the rest of the alcohol.

    "My turn," She smiles looking at me.

    Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at her confusingly.

    "Rylan, truth or dare," She says with a fake smile spreading across her face.

    "Dare?" I said confusingly.

    She stood up and walked towards me, then she kneeled down to me and looked between my eyes.

    "Kiss me," She smirked.

    I Quickly pulled her onto my lap and my eyes traveled all over her face and landed on her lips for a minute before I looked back up into her eyes and looked for full consent to kiss her.

    Then before I could lean in she beat me to it and kissed me, Needly, Erugently, and passionately.

    My hands travel to her lower back and then to her hips. I pulled her closer to me.

    I could feel the glares from Kylie and Hayden, and I know she can too. By the way she's tense and seems kinda uncomfortable makes it obvious, but that doesn't stop her from kissing me. Only being out of breath will do that.

    As she tries to catch her breath she looks over to Hayden and Kylie and glared at them before opening her mouth to say something to them.

    " What the hell Aurora!!" Hayden yelled. "You just dared my best friend to fucking kiss you!" He yells again.

    "You kissed my best friend, so I decided to tag along with the game and kiss yours," He smiled innocently and shrugged. "And plus, he's a better kisser," She adds just to piss him off, which it did.

    "But it doesn't matter, because you started the game, and look, now I'm ending it," She said again.

    "You're my girlfriend, you are only allowed to kiss me," He points his annoying finger in her face.

Then he was about to put her hands on her.

    I grabbed his hand very tightly and glared at him.

    "You will not, nor will you ever lay a hand on her," I deadpan.

    "She is my girlfriend. I will do whatever the hell I want," He attempted to say.

    "Nah, actually, I'm not your girlfriend. You are just some dick that wasted my time, go ahead and have fun with Kylie while it lasts, which it wont," She smiles innocently again and shrugged.

    I leaned towards her and left my lips only inches away from her ear lobe.

    "Go wait for me at my car, please," I whispered in her ear.

    She does as I asked, and I waited until she was fair enough to beat the crap out of this guy. Finally.

    As I tackled him the ground and begin to beat his face in with my now anching fist, he picks up a huge rock and try to hit me with it be he missed and the rock went flying out of his hand and ended up hitting Kylie in the head as she was standing up, she ended up fainting and hitting her head on another rock behind her.

    And after A few more hits to Haydens face I decided this world is done with him.

    I pull out my gun and point it to his head.

    Auroras POV


A loud noise from behind me, which sounded like a gunshot erupted forest.

Then not long after the gunshot noise I felt two strong wraps around me, and warm soft lips pressed against my collowerbone.

Then his lips travel up my neck and stop right behind and under my ear.

"I dealt with him for you, love," he says, his voice sounding tired. In a hot way.

Authors note!!

So, what do we think about this chapter?

Thank you guys for reading, love you all <3

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