Chapter 2 Enter Goldilocks

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AN:Since I'm pretty sure you're all aware of the new Pretender class who wants it to be included?

AN 2:Which servants do you want and from which classes to appear later in the story you have total liberty to choose except they can't be a Berserker since the protagonist is already one and they MUST be canon servants from ALL the Nasu works ranging from Fate Prototype,Fate/Zero,Fate Stay Night(and it's variations),Fate Apocrypha,Fate Grand Order,Fate Extra(it's CCC,it's CCC:Foxtail counterpart),Fate Extella,Fate Extella/Link,Fate Strange fake to Tsukihime.

A few days have passed ever since Arjuna Alter arrived to the kingdom of Ingrassia(name taken from That time I got reincarnated as a slime)

And things were rather interesting to say the least.

First things first what happened after he just casually made up a giant Indian Castle inside of the kingdom?.

Well, the people living in the kingdom were more than surprised to see such a huge castle just pop out of nowhere but since it just appeared with nobody knowing anything about the king send his strongest Knights,Adventurers and Mages to investigate this possible enemy attack.

What was Arjuna's reaction you may ask?. Well he wasn't pleased to say the least but he understood their reaction seeing that a giant castle of unknown providence appeared so suddenly in front of them. So he sent them all to the hospital with winds similar in strength of a G5 Hurricane.

He then immediately told the king that if he didn't want his kingdom to be a burning crater on the ground to stop sending his men to try and interrupt his activities.

Needless to say the intimidation worked perfectly and they stopped bothering Arjuna there were those who went there just to see who inhabited the house to which he merely waved his hand at.

Aside from that nothing else worth mentioning......maybe.

Now let's go to the present.

Arjuna was eating his breakfast in a peculiar way.

Just like this and who knew that Mahapralaya would make for a great Knife

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Just like this and who knew that Mahapralaya would make for a great Knife.

He was eating happily until he felt a certain presence that for some disgusted him it felt as if he was in front of the thing he hated the most. So he put simply ate his breakfast and teleported to that place while making sure that NOBODY could see him and his suspicions were true in front of his eyes was the instigator of the end of the future the one renowned as the strongest and the one with the biggest ego there is.

The Eiyu-ou himself Gilgamesh.

He had a few things to talk with him so he stopped time right at the moment he was getting his stats read

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He had a few things to talk with him so he stopped time right at the moment he was getting his stats read.

Arjuna:Hello there, Eiyu-Ou Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh:Who are you?!-said trying to open the Gate of Babylon but for some reason he couldn't open it.

Arjuna:I am Arjuna Alter I am a composite of every Hindu God and Goddess with the exception of 2 or maybe 3 no matter but I wanted to talk with you said floating while having one leg over the other.

Gilgamesh:What do you want to talk about?.

Arjuna:Who are you really?.

Gilgamesh:W-What do you mean?.

Arjuna:You look like Child Gilgamesh and your soul has a similar appearance to his but the core of it has somebody else's name along with appearance.

Gilgamesh:It's not true!.

Arjuna:You don't need to PRETEND to lie like VORTIGERN, your true identity before reincarnating is !'"&=? my best friend at school.

Gilgamesh:Prove it.

Arjuna:All right you and I were students of the [REDACTED] school and we were in 4th of ESO we hang out basically everyday at break time along with our friends ;&''',='%+?'(,=?º'€*^¡ and $%&··=?)( and some other people some times because our classmates were a bit like horses out of control.

Gilgamesh:Then you are?!

Arjuna:Exactly my true name WAS *GARBLED VOICE* although now I go by Arjuna just as you go by Gilgamesh Bradley was it?.

Gilgamesh:Yeah, I chose Bradley for some unknown reason.

Arjuna:Good now listen to me, do not by any means,DO NOT allow yourself to be dominated by any women,DO NOT have sex until you're over 18 and DO NOT do incest.

Gilgamesh:What are you my mom?!.

Arjuna:Gilgamesh my zodiacal sign was Sagittarius so if by any sort of twist of fate I end up having Tiamat's powers you might have just provoked Murphy's Law. But anyways DO NOT by any means disobey the last order or I will exterminate you.

Gilgamesh:You're kidding!

Arjuna:Am I?. Am I really?-said rising his hand and then somewhere suddenly an island exploded.

Which they felt.

Gilgamesh:Not impressed I can do that too!.

Arjuna:Whatever but we're partners that means we share a destiny-said in an ominous tone before disappearing.

Back at Arjuna's house.

Arjuna:*Sighs*So do you think it all worked?-said to seemingly no one in particular.

???:Yeah, and besides with your presence the timeline was changed massively also when you said that you and Gilgamesh were "Partners" and that "you share a destiny" you essentially made contract that makes [GARBLED VOICE].

Arjuna:Yeah yeah,so when are the others going to arrive?.

???:Within a few years.

Arjuna:Also do not let yourself be seen..... Arbiter of God.

 Arbiter of God

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