Chapter 7 - Trust Me

Start from the beginning

As I got to the top of the stairs, I walked into the first bedroom on the left. There are only two bedrooms up here. I double checked the locks on the window and shut the blinds all the way. It's kind of dark in here considering the sun is almost fully down.

As I went to walk out of the room, I saw a flashlight sitting on the dresser. Perfect. I grabbed it and turned it on. I just don't want to turn any lights on just to make sure if anyone is outside the house, they don't see the lights on and see someone is here. Maybe I'm paranoid. I don't know.

I walked across the hall and into the main bedroom. I shined the light around the room and my eyes landed on the closest. I walked over and opened it up. There were a bunch of jackets in here which I know are not Jason's. So maybe they are in here just to hide the door way to this hidden room he told me about.

I pushed the jackets aside and there it was. I slowly opened the door and there is a tiny room in here. It has only a couch that could probably fit three people. It fits perfect between the two walls. Well at least I can sit somewhere if I have to come in here.

I walked out and shut the door, but didn't push the jackets back in front just in case I have to run in here. Which lets hope doesn't happen.

I don't even have any weapon. They left me knowing, but a stupid flashlight. I opened all the drawers in this room only to find them empty. There has to be something I can protect myself with.

I walked across the hallway to the other room and searched it only to find nothing. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I searched the living room, again found nothing. I walked into the kitchen and searched the entire room. Nothing, but kitchen knifes.

There's no way that they really left me with nothing. Well, these kitchens knifes are big enough to protect myself, I guess. I grabbed the biggest one and just placed it on the counter just in case.

I walked out of the room and noticed a door under the stairs case. I walked over and tried to open it up, but it was locked. I tried harder to pull it open, but it didn't budge.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself. Whatever. I sighed and walked back into kitchen and opened the bathroom door. The window had no blinds on it, but it has this blur to it. I don't know what it's called, but you can't see through the window at all.

I walked back into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

How did this happen? Everything was great for so many years. Where's Jason? Please, God, I hope Jason shows up soon. I don't want to be alone. I feel so god damn alone. I'm glad the kids and Gigi are safe somewhere far. I'm sure Lauren is with them too. If only our plane landed sooner, maybe I would be with them right now.

I wish I knew what was going on right now. With the gang, I mean. I feel useless. I know nothing. I can't do anything at all. I can't even defend myself. I can fight someone, but if they have a gun, there's nothing for me to do. I actually have a headache from my stress. Maybe I should just go sit down.

As soon as I stood up straight, I heard the glass of the window break in the front of the house.

Oh no. My heart started to beat faster.

I looked around quickly then had an idea. I quietly, yet quickly, locked myself in the bathroom. I unlocked the window. This window looks old so I'm sure it will make some noise when I try to open it. I pressed my ear against the bathroom door and listened. I heard heavy footsteps that sound like they could be coming from the living room. Then I heard the footsteps running up the stairs. I quickly turned to the window and lifted it open.

Fuck. It made a screech sound.

I put the flashlight down on the window sill and started to climb out of the window. I started to hear footsteps in the house like someone was running. I quickly landed my feet on the ground and reached through the window to grab the flashlight. But the door handle started to jingle so I panicked and started to run away from the house without it.

It's really dark out here, but fuck it. It's down pouring and I'm running through the dark woods. I'm trying so hard not to slip in the mud as I run for my life. I don't even know where to go. I just hope they aren't chasing after me.

Do I go to my house? One of the guys house?

I continued running faster as I thought I had some branches snap. I hope that's just me stepping on the branches. I'm sure it is. I haven't had to run in so long. I'm so out of breath. I quickly looked behind me and didn't see anyone. I saw a big tree coming up so I ran over to it and stopped behind it so I can catch my breath. I went to take a deep breath, but felt a hand go over my mouth.

No, please no. I almost made it out of here. I felt tears start to pour down my face. I tried to get away, but they had a tight grip on my waist.

I prepared for the worst as they quickly turned me around, until I met the eyes of my husband. My body got less tense and I felt so relieved. He let go of my mouth and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked me quietly. I nodded quickly as I tried to catch my breath from running. "Thank god" he mumbled as he kissed my forehead. "Come on" he said then grabbed my hand and we started quickly walking. We reached the road within a minute and I saw his car parked behind Hunters. I haven't even said anything yet. I'm still trying to breath. "Are you hurt?" He asked me as we got to the cars. I shook my head and then put my hand on my head. I feel so dizzy. He opened the passenger seat of Hunters car and then grabbed me by my waist.

"Jase, I'm light headed" I told him quietly.

"Baby, sit down. Sit in the car, Angel" he said quietly. He helped me into the car. I don't even have the energy to ask why I'm in Hunters car and not Jason's. Between the running, the stress, the headache. I'm a mess.

"Babe?" I went to ask him, but then I felt my eyes starting to close.


**Jasons P.O.V**

"She passed out. I think it was the stress. I-I don't know" I told Hunter as he walked back over to his car. I rubbed my face and sighed.

"Damn. Well Johnson is waiting on you. The guy is in the house still" Hunter told me. I nodded.

"I put her in your passenger, made sure she has her phone, and buckled her in. So just get her there safely please. Update me as much as you can. Please, man" I said to him.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked. I nodded again.

"It's what she deserves" I said then shrugged. "I'll talk to you later" I started to walk away until I heard him say my name. I looked back at him with my eye brows raised.

"She'll be real happy when she wakes up. This will be good for her" he told me.

"Yeah" I said back nodding. I turned back around. Time to see what the fuck this guy wants with us.

What do you guys think they are talking about?

Hope you enjoyed!!!

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now