Nico is awake

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Nico POV

I opened my eyes and immediately shut them.

My head throbbed and I couldn't move my left arm. I was lying on something hard like a rock.

Other than that, I was fine.

"I don't feel so good," I mumbled.

"Well, what do you expect?" A voice said. "You rolled down a freaking mountain."

"I what?" I opened my eyes again to see Leo sitting on a flat piece of rock next to me.

I realized that this must be the infirmary in Goron city.

Leo had bandages covering his hand.

"And what happened to you?"

"I kinda stuck my hand in the lava."

"You WHAT?!"

"I had a good reason for it!!"

I opened my mouth to retort but a voice interrupted me.

"Nico?" It asked. "Thank gods you're awake!"

I turned towards the door to see Will and Mipha walking in.

I sat up with a wince. "Hey Will. Care to explain what happened to me."

"Right..." he said. "Urbosa was showing Annabeth her champion powers and she made a lightning strike right next to us and I pulled us out of the way but we fell down the mountainside and you took the worst of it."

"Great." I said. "But why couldn't Mipha heal me? Doesn't she have that power?"

"I'm terribly sorry." Mipha said. "But it seems that none of the champions' powers work on you demigods."

"Great." I said again. "Where's everyone else?"

"Link is with Daruk on Vah Rudania and everyone else is exploring the city." Will said.

"Except me." Leo said.

"Only because you freaking put your hand in lava." Will shot back. "Annabeth isn't too happy."

Leo gulped. "I swear Annabeth is gonna start appearing in my nightmares."

"I'm pretty sure she already is appearing in your nightmares" Percy said, walking in. "She can be pretty scary. Hey Neeks, how are you doing?"

"Fine." I responded.

"You are most certainly not fine." Will said. "You need to stay here for at least another 4 days to recover!"

"4 days!?" I groaned.

"Yes. Doctors orders."

Percy POV

As Will and Nico began to bicker, I spun on my heel and walked out of the infirmary.

Link looked like he had just gotten back from Vah Rudania with Daruk.

He kept glancing at the summit of the mountain like it was gonna explode at any second.

Urbosa slipped into the infirmary after me, probably to say sorry to Nico.

Annabeth was talking to the Princess.

As I neared them, I heard their conversation.

"So you're the triforce of wisdom." Annabeth was saying. "and I'm the daughter of the wisdom goddess."

Zelda nodded. "That's kind of ironic, don't you think?"

Annabeth nodded.

I walked up to them. "Where are we going once Nico recovers?"

"We are going to Rito village next." Zelda said. "There we will see Vah Medoh."


A/N ugh... school's starting and I won't be able to update quickly but I'll still try my best

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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