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I do not own the characters or story line created by the producers and writers of The Walking Dead.

This is not an original work, it is only fanfiction!

I poked the fire with a small stick, watching as the embers cracked and popped. My arm slightly pressed against Glenn's as we all sat around the fire listening to newcomer, Rick Grimes, story. His wife and son both in his arms as he spoke about the experience. Small tears would break from Carl's eyes every once in a while but the tearshedding was almost to a stop. The poor family thought he was dead, I shook my head as Shane sighed, "Man I cant believe you're actually here." Their conversation continued as I turned towards Glenn, "You scared me today." He smiled, "No Walker is going to take me down." "Sorry, you guys were just gone so long and then you showed without Merle... Shit went down, I'm just glad you made it." He pat my back,  "I'm not leaving anytime soon, so there is no need to worry about that." I nodded, turning to look back at the others.

Smiles were scattered around camp, first time it's happened in a while. Lori nodded towards whatever was being said, "Yea we have brought in a few people. We have Ed and Carol, they have a daughter named Sofia..." she pointed towards the family that sat around the other fire next to Morales. Rick was already introduced to his family.,"Jim," he waved from next to Shane, "Dale," he sat next to Amy. Lori looked to me last, "That's (Y/n), she was also brought in by Glenn." I sent a tight lipped smile his way, in which Carl laughed, "She helps me work." I couldnt help my smile from growing bigger, helping the kids with their book work could be tedious but it kept my mind off the sense of impending doom. Rick smiled and waved, myself returning the gesture. Amy shook her head, "not to ruin the mood but who is gonna tell Daryl?"

My stomach sunk, by the look of others they felt the same. Rick and the others left Daryls brother handcuffed to the roof of the department store in Atlanta. That's one hell of a death sentence but from what I hear, he kind of deserved it. T-dog is one of those in the group that a poc, which made him prime target for Merles outward racism. I've witnessed it and heard things, luckily today was the first time it got violent. Not so lucky for Merle though. Rick shook his head, "I'll do it." "No," T let out a sigh, "I'm the one that dropped the key-" Glenn couldnt stop from interrupting, "I'm sorry but giving the circumstances... I dont think you, a black man, should be the one to tell him." I nodded in agreement, what was said was merely incase Daryl was the same as his brother.

T bowed his head, knowing it was the truth. Seemed the group was in agreement; When Daryl showed tomorrow, Rick will tell him what happened. I only hoped that things would go smoothly, we all knew it wouldnt though. 

Everyone seemed to take off to bed, returning to the tents. The group managed to get ahold of some large family tents, some smaller for those that are alone. My tent is a small one, kind of falling apart but I was thankful nonetheless.

Putting down my shot gun, I stripped down a few layers and returned to bed. The silence was filled with muttered goodnights, I love yous, and crickets. It was enough to put anyone to sleep but now? Life being a constant nightmare makes the real ones look like childsplay. Waking up in a sweat, small whimpers leaving my lips... it's nothing compared to the real thing. Its thoughts like those that make it easy to sleep, that the nightmares are better than reality.
A blood curdling scream woke me, my legs kicking out from under the blanket. I reached for my gun and tried to unzip my tent. The others could be heard running around outside, finally my shakey hands opened the zipper. One of Morales' kids stood outside, "(Y/n)-" I grabbed her arm, "Go to your mom!" She wordlessly took off as I stepped out and head towards the commotion. Finally I found the group, all of them standing with weapons ready. I pushed forward and stood next to Jim, "what-?"

I saw the Walker, it hunched over the carcass of a deer. My stomach turned at the sight of it all. Rick stepped forward and put the gun up, pulling the trigger. The shot ring out, causing the Carl and Sofia to flinch. A small whimper left the small girl, I turned to see Carol covering her daughters eyes.  "Its okay kids..." I smiled, "dont need to worry about him anymore."
A rustling could be heard in the bushes, my back instantly turning and  holding the shotgun up. "How many of them are there?!" I asked. A hand fell over the barrel, "Wait-"
"God damn it!" Daryl walked out, "Think we could cut around the spot?" I couldnt stop the sigh, "Wouldnt chance that." Pointing the gun away, he looked up with a roll of his eyes, "What?" "Almost shot your ass, that's all." He chuckled, "Itll take more than a shot to kill a Dixon." A look settled over Rick's face as he realized who we were talking to. My stomach dropped, as Daryl continued to talk about the squirrels he caught, him not knowing that his brother didnt come home.

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