CHAPTER 4 - "Bit Closer Per Second (Part 1)"

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When she told me that she loves me too I couldn't control myself to hug her and I just did it, hugged her tight and that day I promised her that I won't ever leave her side, even if she lives in another city we would be still together and I would be there for her forever even if I live miles away, I would be there on her one call. That was a big commitment I had ever did in my life and I knew myself that whatever happens I would be loyal and sincere to her. I never wanted to lose her and I couldn't afford to lose her. After the date was over, she went to the washroom and I started cleaning the bed, took out the garbage and threw the cigarettes, washed the glasses and kept the remaining pizza inside the fridge properly. Then I washed my face, combed my hair a bit and I was ready to drop her home. She took few minutes inside the washroom, I didn't know what was she doing inside but most probably girl stuff, so I didn't ask otherwise it would be very awkward. Anyway, after she came out from washroom, she started putting her lip balm, then she properly tied her hair and her clothes were bit folded so she made it right and then she grabbed her bag and ready to go. Before leaving my home, I hugged her again and kissed her on her forehead saying I love you to her. She smiled and hugged me tight and said that she does too. Before leaving I told her to wait and went towards the fridge again. She asked me what was I doing and I replied just a moment. I opened the fridge and took out another silk which was the Oreo version and went towards her to give it and when she saw that she asked me how many I bought. I smiled and told her that for her I can even built a chocolate factory and it would have only Cadbury Silk. But little did I know that she doesn't like the Oreo version and that time when she told me that she doesn't like this one I thought why it was chocolate and she replied that once I try it, I would know. But still she took it and kept it inside her handbag. Well now it was time to move because of her deadline and she must reach her home before 8pm and already we were a bit late, so I grabbed the keys and sprayed a bit of deo and then we went on our way to the station. Miraculously I had the train app in my phone so I bought my tickets and she already had her tickets so buying again doesn't make sense. After few minutes of waiting at the station the train arrived and she kept pinching me because the train was so late and she was asking me to call the train driver to reach us fast, well of course the train was my father in law's, I replied her jokingly.

Getting inside the train was easy because it wasn't crowded that time and we got an unoccupied seat and also it was window seat so that was a great thing. So, we sat there talking to each other and she was holding my left hand, well actually it was my arm and she kept pressing it like it was a sponge ball or something for her, yet I enjoyed it. Inside the train I suddenly recall the movie scene and told her again and she started laughing again. The thing was I really love her smile, her eyes the way she looks at me and yes, I do love to make her laugh and that was the biggest thing I ever wanted, just to keep her happy as long she was with me. After reaching few stations suddenly the train started getting crowded and people start coming in and in continuously, I thought that maybe if I move my hand around her shoulder again then she might sit properly and so I did. The time I moved my hand and put it around her shoulder, she kept her right hand on my thighs and moved her head slightly towards me, after all we were a new couple so these little things were cute. Then I saw that our station was about to come and at first, I stood up and then helped her to stand and hold her hand so that we could move through the crowd and fortunately I just used my mind in the right time and told her to stand in front of me so that I could hold her and support her from her back. DDJ station was about to come in few minutes and every time before reaching that station the train generally stops in middle of the routes due to other trains crossing. While we were waiting inside the train in the crowd, I was making few jokes and tickling her and she was like don't do that Aditya it's a public place. I was thinking that no one's watching and I don't care of anyone thinking anything but afterwards I stopped tickling her because I do respect her opinions. Finally, the train started moving again and, in few minutes, we reached DDJ station. I already did mention that to reach her place we had to take two trains. So, after reaching DDJ station we waited for another train to reach her location i.e., DDC station, when we got off the train we were at the last side of the station and train doesn't stop there so she said that we should walk to a different side, so we walked slowly and also the station was very crowded that day because that was the office hours and generally on that time it usually 10 times crowded and everyday feels like the crowd is much higher than previous day. Anyway, finally we moved to a better side where it was bit less crowded and then suddenly her phone began to ring, well she opened her bag, took out her phone and she saw her mom was calling, she picked up the call and told her mom that she was just about to reach home. She was worried so much and I had to ease her up and make her calm down. She was so tensed that time even I felt that too, I kept praying that please announce the arrival of the fucking train, in that moment suddenly the train was announced and I told her to take a deep breath and calm down, she looked at me right in my eyes, took a deep breath and finally she was calm but not much because she was holding my hand and I literally felt the grip of her hand. After that she opened her bag and took out the Silk Oreo and gave it to me and she told me to eat it, well I was thinking that if I carry this now the chocolate would be no more chocolate, I asked her that I gave that to her why she was giving it back. She replied saying that she doesn't like this one so she wants me to try it. So, I opened the wrapper to taste it and the taste was good not bad but the Oreo biscuits ruined it. I turned my head towards her and she was like how was the taste amazing right, it was your favorite right, she kept pulling my leg. I tried to seal it back, folded the wrapper and put it inside my right pocket. Finally, the train did arrive late and we entered the train and asked her not to go much inside because it was just 1 station away and again, I told her to stand in front of me but this time the train was crowded so she couldn't move properly and I was in front of her. So, I told her that to hold me from back and she did hold my shirt. I was thinking that I knew I was hot but if the shirt rips apart, I don't want to show my body to everyone, and I started laughing quietly without letting anyone knew but she noticed it and asked me why I was laughing, so I said that I would tell her after getting off and then at that moment after saying I hold her left hand with my left hand because she was standing behind me so I didn't want that due to the crowd she couldn't get off. After few minutes the train reached DDC and we got off safely, after that she was hurrying so much and I had to say that don't run, she might hurt herself. So, I ran towards her to match her pace, hold her hand and told her that I was going to drop her and I would walk with her, again she told me that she was late and she would get late if she takes a walk but fortunately, she said OKAY she would walk but not slowly. I replied of course not but we were not going to run also. That day we took a walk and that was my first time to see her home, actually she also lives in an apartment like me. Anyway, from the station to her home it was actually not so far but not so near as I expected it would be, but the fact was that I really enjoyed every second with her. When we entered the road which leads to her locality, she said from here we couldn't hold hands because that was her locality and her mom or dad passes from that place sometimes so I replied okay no problem. We were walking straight along the road in fact I thought her home was situated a little far and there might be many twists and turns but no the road route was actually very easy to remember because it was a straight road and just one right and left turn and then her apartment. But before that I thought that I should give her a hug and say her good bye but I couldn't because she told me that her apartment was just near and it was her locality also her grandpa might come downstairs and if he saw us hugging it would create problems. So, we just shook hands and said bye to each other and as usual she told me to call her when I reach home.

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